Chapter Twenty-Two.

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Chapter Twenty-Two.

Startled, I turned around.

Nyshard was standing there, leaning against the doorframe, watching us. I hadn't heard him open the door. He didn't meet my eye.

"You almost make it sound like someone would come after me.", I said.

"Might be", Nyshard answered and sighed "But also... when I will be able to tell you more, you won't believe be. I'm almost sure that you won't, so, we'll need proof."


"Yes, proof.", he sighed. "You will probably never trust me. And why should you? I probably wouldn't do it either, if I were in your place. So, we need proof."
"But why wait?", I asked, and Nyshard slowly stepped closer, but kept his distance. I wondered, if he had listened to what we spoke about. Maybe, he had.

I should keep in mind, that probably nothing I told the others was a secret from him.

"The seal is already breaking, even though it's still a few months to your birthday. It needs to... break more. Once you have constant access to your power, no matter how small it will be, we can... I can show you the proof. Then you are... permitted to see it."

"But what if... what if there's nothing... left? Of it?", I murmured.
"Of your power?", Brayhd asked, and I nodded.

"There is.", Nyshard cut in. "Give yourself some time."

I huffed. "Where does that come from now?"

"Brayhd, could you please leave us alone?", Nyshard asked his Advisor of Reign. Not commanded, asked.

But Brayhd didn't answer him right away, instead, he looked at me. "Are you alright with that?"

I hesitated a moment, but then, I nodded.

He glanced to Nyshard once again and said "She really doesn't need to hate you. Don't make it that difficult, Nysh."

Nyshard took a deep breath, before he replied "I know."

Brayhd gave me an assuring smile and stood up. When he passed Nyshard, the other male put his hand on Brayhd's shoulder and said "Thank you."

Brayhd chuckled lightly and said "Anytime.". He left, and for a moment, there was absolute silence in the room.

"Adriyele?", he cleared his throat.


"What I said to you this morning wasn't the best choice of words in that moment. But they were meant to hurt you. I don't want you to do such a thing again. And if I have to say such things to stop you from doing it, I will."

I snorted. "Whenever I called myself that and worse, all of you objected. But then, you called me that yourself. A halfling."

Slowly, he stepped closer. "You are a halfling. This is what you are, Adriyele, and you better accept that. Accept who you are, both sides of you, especially, when the seal vanishes.", Nyshard looked at me, his eyes still cold, but his lopsided smile more a grimace. "What I said, is the truth. I cannot take it back"

"Because you are no liar.", I murmured, tears starting to fill my eyes.

"Yes, because I am no liar.", he nodded and his eyes followed a tear, that escaped my control. Oh well. I had none. I forgot.

"Adriyele, you mistake one thing. You being only half Rhaayl, doesn't mean that you are worth any less."

"But you..." I started, but he interrupted me, shaking his head. "I did say, that you are of no worth as a healer if you overdo yourself. I have never said, that you are of no worth."

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