Chapter Twenty-Eight.

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Chapter Twenty-Eight.

'Anslepan myn lapsi, myn pyk sa frija,

Blewa sil glaros dyn fridna,

Sirpal nos demra praao dros an risnja,

Dyn jas ti srala, myn pyk sa frija'

Smiling, I closed my eyes. Mother's voice was soothing, bright like the morning sun and light like a feather. That lullaby – I loved it. It... calmed me, made me hope for better times.

'Myn frija, itke ne wel dyn mitra, blewa sil glaros grej drasdna, in jas dyn tagnih, myn sa wyal.', I heard her whisper in my ear.

A blanket was draped over me, so cosy, so warm, so...

It was heavy, I felt heavy. I tried to move, to turn my head, to open my eyes, but... there was something – someone. Reaching out for me, a blur of black. A blur of darkness. But was it good – was it bad? There was... no, it was too dark, too depressing, too cold... and too sad. I thought a saw something blue... blewa sil glaros ni sirpal nos demra

Nos demra... nos demra...

Something... there was something I had to remember but... I heard her voice again. 'Myn frija, itke ne wel dyn mitra, blewa sil glaros grej drasdna, in jas dyn tagnih, myn sa wyal.'

And she sang again. The same melody, the same text. On and on.

'Anslepan myn lapsi, myn pyk sa frija,

Blewa sil glaros dyn fridna,

Sirpal nos demra praao dros an risnja,

Dyn jas ti srala, myn pyk sa frija'

When I finally opened my eyes, the room was dark.

"Hey.", a female voice next to me said. I glanced to the side, and my eyes took a moment to adjust, then I was able to make out Dylana, sitting there in an armchair next to me, looking tired.

"Hey.", my voice was raspy. "Waking up like this has to stop."

She laughed dryly, but smiled a bit.
I liked that better on her.

"You passed out, Nyshard brought you here.", she told me what I already knew. "I remember passing out."

"What exactly do you remember about what happened before that?"
Nothing good. The truth was... it was nothing good I did remember.

"She died because of me.", I rasped, and waited for my tears to come, but there weren't any.

This was the cruel and bitter truth.

My mother had died because she had drained her energy, her power, too much over such a long time, because she had wanted to protect me from whatever danger there was.

"No, she didn't die because of you. Never think that, Adri.", Dylana murmured and squeezed my hand.

"Get Nyshard and I ask him, he always claims to tell the truth. Get him, and I'll ask him if I killed her."

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a movement, and he stepped closer, his blue eyes studying me, his face dangerously emotionless.

"She drained her power because of me, she...", I stammered, my throat still so dry. Maybe that was the reason I wasn't able to cry anymore. I was dry inside. "She died protecting what wasn't worth protecting."

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