Chapter Twenty-One.

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Chapter Twenty-One.

My heart pounded high in my chest, when the soldier stopped right before the gate that led to the drawbridge.

I took the chance to take a look at Ilyria, a sea of light in the darkness, and was so much remembered of that evening on the terrace almost two weeks ago.

Biting my lower lip out of nervosity, I crossed the drawbridge and entered the castle.

Another guard led me - much to my surprise - straight to Caaln's room. Somehow, I had thought he would bring me to the great hall or Nyshard's study.

Before I had time to think about it, the guard knocked at the door and opened it up for me, waited for me to step inside, and then closed it, again.

Inside, I was met with two different set of eye colours. Brayhd's light brown ones, and Dylana and Nyshard's blue ones.

The later one only looked at me for a split second, then he looked at the big man in the bed again.

I followed his eyes and saw, that Caaln was awake and watching me, too.

Not making any other movement than averting my eyes, I stood there, the silence of the room pressing down on me.

At least, Nyshard supressed his aura., I didn't know if I could have taken it today. At first, there was complete silence.

"Come.", Caaln's rough voice was heard, and as I looked up, I saw that he held out his hand towards me.

I stared at it for a moment, then, I slowly stepped closer.

A deep frown graced his forehead, when I was just a few steps away and got deeper, the closer I came. He grabbed my hand and I resisted the urge to pull back, but the narrowing of his eyes told me, that he'd noticed it.

"You saved my life.", he murmured.

"No, I didn't.", my answer was merely a whisper.

Caaln tilted his head and continued to stare at me. "Srandi said you used so much power, that you blacked out in the process."

I tried to pull my hand back, but his grip was too firm.

"I... I had no control over them", I broke eye contact and averted my eyes, not able to look at him any longer.
"You saved my life. Thank you.", he said, again, but more urgent.

Lightly, I shook my head. "Srandi could have done it on her own. She should have. I...."

"Stop it, Adri."

I shook my head again. "It's gone. There's nothing left."

"What do you mean?", he asked, carefully.

"I don't feel any power anymore.", I admitted and bit my trembling lower lip, aware of the four set of eyes, Caaln's and the three others, who stared at me.

I had admitted it, and I didn't know what it meant for me. And that... this uncertainty, it scared me. What would happen now? By the way Nyshard had reacted this morning... I simply didn't know what it meant for me. If he had lied to me and I was indeed here only because of my powers... what would happen now, when I had none? He had said I was no healer. And he was right with it.

Nyshard had my life in his hands. He had said it himself, and even though he had said he didn't have anything against me personally... he could still have something against what I am.

Caaln's hand squeezed mine for a moment, then he pulled his back and tried to get into a more upright position, leaning against the backrest of his bed. He still looked very much like I had left him that morning, but he seemed a bit healthier, not that pale anymore. His torso was still in bandages, although someone must have changed them, because there was no blood anymore.

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