Chapter 1

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 Hi there. I'm Lee Dauen, a 24 year old medic student studying in Seoul. I had no affiliation or knowledge of the mafia until a year ago. So how is it that a normal little nobody like me somehow become the mafia queen of Korea? Well it all started on a cold, windy, rainy, night in March. . .


"Yes Karina, I'm alright. I'm almost home!" I hissed into my phone, wrapping my coat tighter around my shivering body as I trudged through the wet streets.

"You sure, Dauen? I could drive over and pick you up. The rain's just awful, you know." Karina replied, her voice laced with a hint of worry and frustration.

"I'm fine Karina, besides I can't make you do all that for me. See I just got home!" I smiled, while unlocking the door to my apartment.

I heard Karina sigh.

"I'm glad you're safe. Get some rest, okay? See you tomorrow. Love you!"

"Okay. Bye, love you!"

The phone went silent, and tossed the device onto the kitchen counter before flopping onto my couch. Good god medical school was hard. It was nonstop studying, classes, and tests. And the tests. They were the worst. Sometimes I wondered if my professors were trying to purposefully fail me. It was my last year though, that is what I always told myself. Soon, I would be able to leave and go help people in need. I just needed to survive another six months. . . growl.

I jumped as a loud rumble erupted from my stomach. Groaning, I trudged my way into the kitchen and fumbled around for a pack of shin ramen. That would have to do. I then pulled out my textbook and sat down with my food to begin another long study session.


I stared at the overflowing trash can with dismay. I had forgotten to take out the trash. Cursing my idiocy, I reluctantly tied the bag up before dragging it down the stairs and outside. It was still raining unfortunately, so I quickly hurried to the garbage dumpsters in the back alley wanting to get out of the downpour as quickly as possible. I was hoping it would be a simple in and out job. It turns out that fate had other ideas.

As I closed the dumpster lid I suddenly heard a low groan coming from somewhere further down the alley. I frowned. Who was out here in this weather?

"Hello?" I called out.

There was no response, except for heavy breathing. Working up my courage, I hesitantly approached the source of the noise, which had now increased to mild cursing of "Shit." and "Goddamits." When the flashlight from my phone shone onto the hidden person I let out a loud gasp. There, lying in a pool of blood was a young man about 28 years old, with two toned colored hair consisting of dark brown and ashy silver that reached his shoulders. The male seemed to be in a great deal of pain as his long eyelashes were wet with tears and his chest heaving in and out with ragged breaths. I quickly knelt down by him.

"Sir! Are you alright? Sir, hold on! I'll call an ambulance!" I stammered fumbling with my phone.

Just as I managed to type in 119, I gasped as a bloody hand smacked the device out of my hands.

"Don't call them." The male growled glaring at me.

I frowned.

"Sir. You're bleeding! If you stay like this you could die!"

The man scowled.

"Just go away, missy. I'll be fine!"

"Rubbish. You've lost a lot of blood if your face color is any indication." I countered.

"Fucking bitch. You don't understand what you're getting yourself into! Now leave!" The male ordered.

I sighed and shook my head before slipping one arm underneath his arm and helping the man to his feet.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm helping you. Listen if you don't want to go to a hospital, I'll treat you. I'm a medical student after all." I replied calmly.

Promptly ignoring his protests, I aided the man up the stairs and into my apartment before setting him onto the couch. I quickly ran into my bathroom and removed gauze, disinfectant, a needle and thread, and forceps before returning back into the living room.

"Excuse me, I'll have to remove your clothes." I apologized before unbuttoning the male's blood soaked dress shirt.

I bit my lip when I saw the bullet wound in his stomach. Working quickly, I removed the bullet before disinfecting the wound, sewing and bandaging it up. When I was finished I glanced back up at the man who was staring down at me. Now that I had managed to get a better look at his face in the light I did have to acknowledge that he was handsome. Not to mention the fact he was muscular and ripped.

"What's your name, young lady?"

"Lee Dauen, and yours?"

There was a pause.

"Oh, you don't have to tell me your name if you don't want to-"

"Choi Seungcheol."

I smiled.

"Well nice to meet you Seungcheol. Can I get you anything? Water? Food?"

The male shook his head.

"I'm good."

I frowned as Seungcheol stood up shakily.

"Where are you going?"

"I've caused you enough trouble for one night. You've been more than kind to treat me. I think that it is time for me to leave."

I chuckled before grabbing the man's arm and dragging him to my bedroom.

"Hell no. You need to rest. Here you can take my bed for the night."

"Where will you sleep?"

"I'll take the couch." I answered a matter of factly.

"What? I can't do that!" Seungcheol protested.

"Shh. You're a patient of mine right now. The patient's health is my top priority. So please, take the bed."

The man sighed but complied, sitting down on the mattress with a painful groan.

"Great! Okay I'll be right outside so if you need me just wake me up." I smiled before heading outside.

A few minutes later, as I lay on the couch I soon realized that I should have gotten a blanket. I glanced at my phone. 1:00 AM. Seungcheol would have fallen asleep by now. I cursed under my breath. Goddammit, Dauen I thought to myself. Hugging my knees to my chest I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. 

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