Chapter 4

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Dauen Pov:

Friday came sooner than I had expected, and I rushed out of the door carrying a small potted orange tree which my parents had sent to me a few days earlier. Last time Seungcheol had given me a gift, so I thought why not return the favor. When I arrived at school, Karina was waiting in the courtyard, a worried expression plastered over her face.

"Dauen!" She cried when I stepped off the bus.

"Karina, hi! Woah what's up?" I gasped as my friend embraced me in a tight hug.

"I thought you were kidnapped or dead when that man took you away!"

I chuckled.

"No. no. I just had a nice cup of tea and he even gifted me this pretty modernized hanbok!" I denied, showing Karina a picture of the outfit on my phone.

"How old is this man? Is he trying to become your sugar daddy or something? What if he's a predator?" Karina protested.

"Karina. Let's not. Come on help me carry this damn orange tree into the greenhouse. I've been holding it for 2 hours now." I sighed.

"What's that for anyway? I don't think it's a herbology lesson today."

"It's for Seungcheol." I replied reluctantly.


"Karina. Please. Not now."

The girl huffed but remained silent. As we walked down the school hallways toward the greenhouse we passed by Irene, a pretty girl who had for some reason decided to always pick on me. Today though, her eyes widened when she saw me and she flinched as Karina and I passed by almost like she was scared of me. Frowning, I turned back and glanced at the cowering female.

"Um hi Irene?"

The girl jumped at the sound of my voice.

"You good?" I asked again.

"Get away from me! I don't want to die!" Irene shrieked before running away.

"Huh well that was weird." Karina remarked as we watched her fleeing figure.

"Yeah I know right? Usually she's up in my face calling me a bitch and such. Wonder why that changed."

"Maybe some guardian angel threatened her or something LOL." My best friend chuckled.


At lunch, Hoshi arrived and I left with the orange tree, despite Karina's protests.

"Who's that for?" Hoshi inquired as he began driving.

"Seungcheol. He was so nice to give the hanbok last time, I thought I'd give him a little something in return." I replied, smiling.

"That's very kind of you."

"It's nothing really impressive really. Just an orange tree."

"Trust me Miss Lee. Despite his riches, Mr Choi doesn't get many gifts. So I'm sure he'll appreciate your gesture very much."

I nodded.

When I got to the mansion, I was led back up to Seungcheol's office where the male was standing in front of his window just like last time.

"Dauen." The man remarked as I entered, his eyes gleaming at the sight of the pot I was carrying.

"What's this?" He continued when I gave him the plant.

"My parents are herbalists and gardeners. We often give plants or fruit trees to our friends or those we want to have a friendship with. I gave one to Karina before and now I thought it would be nice to give one to you as well." I explained.

Seungcheol smiled softly.

"Thank you very much! You know what. Instead of sitting here today, why don't we go outside? I've been needing to take care of the garden for a while now."

I beamed.

"Really? Let's go then!" I laughed, grabbing the man's hand.

When we were outside, I immediately noticed some things. Some plants needed watering, some shrubs needed trimming, and their weeds everywhere. I knelt down and began to pull some of the pesky things out.

"What are you doing?" Seungcheol asked peering over my shoulder.


"Why should we pull them out? I thought they were just plants."

I chuckled.

"Weeding is important because weeds compete with other plants for resources like water, nutrients, sunshine and space. If left unchecked they can destroy the environment they're in." I explained.

Seungcheol nodded before he knelt beside me and began to help me. Throughout the passing hour I taught the man many things about the gardening world. But the highlights came in the form of flowers.

"Wow white roses!" I exclaimed.

"Do you like them?" Seungcheol asked.

"Of course, but I love the meaning behind them. Did you know they symbolize purity, innocence, reverence, a new beginning, and a fresh start?"

"Sounds like you." The male replied, ignoring my blushing state.

Seungcheol reached over to the rose bush and plucked one of the flowers before handing it to me.

"A pretty flower for a pretty lady."

I laughed.

"You're too kind."

Seungcheol shrugged before checking his watch.

"Goodness, look at the time. Hoshi!"

Within moments the guard appeared before us.

"Please drive Miss Lee back to school. Dauen? I'll see you on Friday again, okay?"

"Can we work on the garden again?" I asked.

"Of course."

I bowed gratefully and left with Hoshi. Things really were looking up. Hopefully Karina would grow to understand.

Seungcheol Pov:

I watched from my office window as Hoshi drove off with Dauen. The young woman really was a shining beacon amongst the hell of being the mafia leader of the strongest gang in Seoul. There was gang fighting, extortions, kidnappings, and killings happening daily not to mention the physical pain that I had been dealing with. A month ago, about 2 weeks before Dauen had rescued me in the alleyway, I had been plagued by fits of fatigue and coughing fits that had been worsening to the point that in the most recent couple days I had been coughing up blood.

There was a knock on my door and I turned to see my personal doctor, Jeon Wonwoo.

"Wonwoo. Did you finish the reports?" I asked.

The male nodded.

"Alright then, go ahead."

"Mr. Choi. I'm afraid someone has been poisoning you with thallium. You've currently been consuming it for 6 weeks."

I sighed.

"Should we work on an antidote?" Wonwoo asked.

"No. Just find me the person who did it and bring them to the basement for now. I'm gonna have a little word with them."

The doctor nodded.

"Yes sir." 

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