Chapter 9

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Hoshi Pov:

"Alright gentlemen. Let's get started." I sighed.

"First things first, Wonwoo, how is Miss Lee?" I asked.

"She's fine. Jun told me she fainted again in the shooting room. I've examined her and there's no bumps or lumps, so I think it was another fainting episode caused by stress." the doctor replied calmly.

I nodded.

"Is she still asleep?" Minghao spoke suddenly.

"Yeah." Wonwoo answered.

"Oh great! Can I kill her then?"

"Minghao." I warned.

"Oh don't give me that look. Easily manipulated and weak, what does she have besides sympathy?" The Chinese male continued.

"Minghao." I growled.

"Dunno man, I kinda find her cute." Jun smirked.

"Seriously? I think she's pathetic. Why not kill her and make Hoshi the leader? He's more than capable." Minghao suggested.

"Minghao that's enough!" I shouted, making the male shut up.

"Making Miss Lee leader was Seungcheol's dying wish and we will honor it, understand? I know she's underprepared but we can work with it."

The males slowly nodded to my words.

"Good. Vernon. What information have you discovered about her?" I sighed.

"Well let's see. Lee Dauen. A 24 year old first year medical student, attending Seoul National University. She's the only daughter of Jeon Soyeon and Lee Taeyong born on February 14, 1999 on Jeju Island."

"Valentine's Day, huh? No wonder she's so pretty." Mingyu muttered.

"Vernon, are there any underlying medical issues? Something that would explain her fainting spells? Anemia perhaps?" Wonwoo asked suddenly.

"Let me see. . . no not anemia. Ah yes, here we go. She was diagnosed with PNES two years ago." Vernon answered.

"PMS? Don't girls go through that every month? What's so serious about that? Do her stomach cramps get so bad that she faints?" Mingyu asked, eyes scrunching up with confusion.

"PNES not PMS Mingyu. Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures." Wonwoo clarified.

"What are those?" Jun asked.

"They're seizures that appear epileptic outwardly but the trigger is psychological not neurological. That explains why Dauen faints like that during stressful situations." The doctor explained.

"Dauen? Since when did you get so close to being on a first name basis?" Minghao muttered.

"Hmm I see. Is there any medication that can be given to stop her seizures?" I inquired.

Wonwoo shook his head.

"No. A person dealing with PNES will not respond to anti seizure medicine. There is even a chance that the drug will make them worse."

"What are we supposed to do?" I pressed.

"Try not to stress her out." Wonwoo replied matter of factly.

"Jeez genius. Try not stress her out, well that's not gonna be easy now is it?" Jun groaned.

"No kidding. She clearly doesn't trust us that much." Vernon added.

"Well she's gonna have to toughen up. Otherwise she won't last long. Not that I care." Minghao huffed.

"Minghao's right. I think it'll be best if she starts basic training tomorrow." Mingyu commented.

"Who's gonna train her?" Jun asked.

There was silence for a minute, before I finally spoke up.

"I will." 

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