Chapter 32

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Jeonghan POV:

It was 6:00 PM. I stood outside along with Minghao, Jun, Woozi and Dokyeom. In my hand was the contract that stated all what Doyoung wanted. Soon a car arrived and I grimaced when the window rolled down revealing Kun.

"Get in." The male ordered.

After an hour's drive, we arrived at the NCT base. Kun was silent as he led me and my team to Doyoung's office. When the door opened I bit back a gasp as my eyes landed on Dauen. My poor baby. She looked exhausted. Her injured eye had been bandaged with what looked like homemade bandages, made from a ripped shirt. Most likely Karina's since the female was wearing nothing but a sports bra, and cargo pants. Karina's shoulder was also wrapped in bandages.

"Do you have the contract?" Doyoung asked.


"Excellent. Hand it over."

I nodded.

Doyoung smiled as he looked over the piece of paper.

"You got what you wanted. Now give me Dauen and Karina." I growled.


Doyoung shoved the two women roughly forward. Dauen stumbled, but I managed to catch her and bring her into my arms.

"Hannie. . ." She whimpered.

"Shhh. I'm here." I comforted, watching as my girlfriend relaxed.

I glanced at Jun who was taking care of Karina, then I winked at Minghao. It was time.

"I must thank you for returning our boss and gang member to us." The sniper smiled.

"Why of course-"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Doyoung gasped as Minghao suddenly shot several bullets into his chest.

"The cameras!" I yelled.

Woozi and Dokyeom quickly yanked the devices from the walls and crushed them.

"Karina, can you stand?" Jun asked.

"I'm fine, but could you pass me your jacket? I'm a bit cold."


I looked at Dauen before scooping her up and carrying her bridal style.

"Okay, everyone get ready to run!" I shouted before opening the door to Doyoung's office.

We all ran down the hallway, and a few seconds later there was a loud beeping sound as alarms sounded.

"Keep moving!" I yelled.

Soon we reached the front entrance of the building. As we came to the center the doorways all around us began to slam shut. I swallowed and beckoned for the group to back up and huddle around each other. There was a loud pattering of feet and suddenly about 100 guards burst into the room and surrounded us. From among them, Jeno stepped out a sadistic smirk playing on his lips. The male pushed a button that was on the wall, and I cursed as two large metal gates closed in front of the exit doors.

"Like rats in a trap." Jeno chuckled darkly.

I lowered Dauen onto the floor and whispered to Karina,

"Protect her okay?"

Karina nodded.

"Let's get this party started then. Men. Attack!" Jeno roared.

Minghao ran off and jumped behind a counter before removing his sniper rifle and beginning to systematically take down the lackeys that Jeno was sending at us. Jun cracked a grin before grabbing something from his bag. My eyes widened.

"Is that a molotov cocktail?"

"Hell yeah!" Jun laughed before chucking the bomb at some defenses that the NCT guards had built.

"Just make sure to kill anyone in our team in the process." I sighed.

"WOOHOO!" Jun exclaimed as he watched some men catch on fire.

"Maniac." Woozi grumbled.

"Shit!" Dokyeom cried out, as he was hit by a bullet.

"Dokyeom, go to Minghao. You're a sniper! You'll do better under cover!" I shouted.

"Yes sir!"

I glanced at Karina who was shielding Dauen. Despite having an injured shoulder, the girl had picked up a gun from a dead guard and was shooting as well.

"Minghao, see if you can call Vernon and tell him to hack open the gate!" I ordered.

"On it!" Minghao yelled back.


I whirled around as Karina cried out behind me. My blood froze as I saw Jeno drag her away.

"Bastard let her go!" I growled.

"You've killed my boss. I'll kill yours!" Jeno cackled as he brought a knife up to Dauen's neck.

Bang! Jeno slumped forward. Dead. I turned around in shock as I saw Dokyeom breathing hard, smoke trailing out of his sniper rifle.

"The guards are all almost dead!" Karina exclaimed.

"Yeah mainly thanks to Jun who's roasting the hell out of them." Woozi muttered, gesturing at a pile of corpses all burnt to death.

"God it stinks!" Minghao sighed.

"Well everyone's dead. Thank goodness, that was my last molotov." Jun breathed.

"Have you gotten a response from Vernon yet, Minghao?" I asked.

"No. Apparently Joshua's on the controls. . .but he won't respond to me."

"Weird." I commented.

I tried to push the button again, but nothing happened. The metal shutters remained closed. Suddenly the alarms rang again. I cursed.

"More guards? We won't be able to survive another wave! Minghao give me the microphone." I ordered.

"Joshua? Do you read me? Open these gates!" I shouted.

No answer. The footsteps of the approaching attackers grew louder.

"Joshua! I'm not kidding here, open these gates at once!"

"Guys, I don't have much ammo left. . ." Woozi stated, fiddling with his gun.

"Neither do I. I'm on my last clip." Minghao added.

I felt sweat trickle down my cheek. What was going on? Why wasn't my brother answering?


"Hello?" I paused as Vernon's voice came through the speaker.

"Vernon! Thank goodness. Listen, we're trapped in the NCT building. Can you hack open the gates?"

"Right on it!"

I sighed and scooped Dauen off from the floor.

"Come on. . ." I muttered tapping my foot impatiently.

Looking to my right, I noticed the shadows of the guards quickly approaching. Whirr. Suddenly the metal gates parted and lifted open. I smiled.

"Let's make a run for it team!"

An hour later, we arrived back at the Seoul Gang mansion. As soon as I stepped through the front door I was greeted by Hoshi and Wonwoo.

"Dauen!" Hoshi cried when he saw the poor woman in my arms.

"Wonwoo. Please treat her and Karina."

"Will do. Jun, could you bring them to my office?" The doctor asked.

Jun nodded and left the room along with the two women. I heaved a deep sigh, and began to head upstairs.

"Where are you going, Jeonghan?" Dokyeom called after me.

I paused.

"To have a talk. With my dear brother." 

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