Chapter 16

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Dauen Pov:

"Good! Again. One more time!" Jun encouraged me as I swung another punch at him.

From the sidelines Karina cheered and I grinned as I heard her encouraging shouts.

"Ow!" I yelped as Jun suddenly grabbed me and pinned me to the ground in a surprise counter attack.

"The fight isn't over till it's over, Miss Lee." Jun clicked his tongue.

I rolled my eyes.

"Okay okay. Unpin me please."

"As you wish."

Jun helped me to my feet and I plodded over to Karina who was ready with a towel and water bottle. I sighed. It had been another week of training and to be honest I hadn't met that jerk or his brother during the whole time. What was his name again? Yoon Jeonghan or something?

I hummed contentedly as Karina gently dabbed the sweat off my face. The girl was doing surprisingly well as my personal assistant, seemingly to have adapted fine to the sudden life she was thrown into. When I finished drinking water, Karina smiled at me.

"You worked hard today. Wanna hit the pool?"

I nodded.

"Yes please!"

The two of us quickly changed into swimsuits we had bought online a few days earlier and skipped off to the pool. When I arrived I wasted no time in shoving my friend into the water.

"DAUEN!" Karina shrieked as she fell before being silenced by a mouthful of liquid.

I giggled loudly.

"You good?" I asked.

Karina emerged with a pout on her face and swam over to the edge.

"You bitch. Come here!"

I screamed as she pulled on my legs and dragged me into the pool with a loud splash.

"Ack! What was that for?" I hissed.


"Fair." I sighed.

"Water attack!" Karina yelled before throwing handfuls of water at my face.

I dodged and quickly retaliated with a large wave of my own. The two of us laughed as we continued to play. I smiled. This was great. No mafia shit just me and my bestie-

"Well, it looks like you two ladies are enjoying yourselves." A smooth voice called from behind me.

I screamed in shock and whirled around to see a man with black hair sipping on an iced beverage watching us.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" I shouted.

"Woah woah. Calm down Miss Lee. I'm not an intruder." The male smirked, sitting down on a chair.

I sighed and gestured for Karina to bring me my towel. When I received the towel, I quickly got out of the pool and walked towards the male.

"Take a seat, Miss Lee. I won't bite."

I glanced at Karina before slowly sitting down on a seat a good three feet away.

"I believe I haven't been able to introduce myself. I'm Hong Joshua, half brother to Yoon Jeonghan the leader of the mafia in Daegu. I must thank you again for allowing us to stay at your residence."

I tried hard not to roll my eyes.

"Hello Joshua. I'm Lee Dauen, the leader of the mafia in Seoul. This is Yoo Karina, my personal assistant." I introduced myself and my friend.

"Pleasure to meet you both." Joshua smiled warmly.

"Uh, sure?" Karina muttered.

"So, Miss Lee. How is mafia life treating you?"


"I heard you were a civilian. Kinda cruel for Seungcheol to throw you into this world suddenly."

"It's going fine. Hoshi and the others have been helping me a lot." I replied carefully.

"That's good to hear."

I let out a shaky sigh. This was awkward as fuck.

"So, Miss Lee, have you ever considered getting a partner?" Joshua suddenly asked.

"A partner? You mean like a work partner?" Karina inquired.

"Yes and no. You see Miss Lee, while most mafia leaders choose to cut off immediate family and run their gangs with their conregimes, it's not unheard of for leaders to marry other leaders. Usually it's for power reasons, other times it's for peace. The reason I bring this up is because since you're a civilian it would be best for you to partner with or marry an experienced mafia member."

"Not very subtle is he?" Karina hissed.

I blinked.

"This is for your safety of course." Joshua rushed to explain, at the sight of my confused face.

"Sorry. You want me to marry Hoshi?" I squeaked.

Joshua frowned momentarily.


"Joshua?" A voice called suddenly.

Karina and I both gasped.

A blonde male approached with a frustrated look. When our eyes met I quickly got up and attempted to leave, but let out a loud scream as I slipped on the wet ground and into the pool.


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