Chapter 34

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Dauen POV:

"You ready?" Karina asked as I sat in front of the vanity mirror, selecting which eyepatch I would wear.

"Yeah. Hold on."

Being careful not to open the stitches, I put on the eyepatch which was complete with decorative crystals.

"Damn when did you get those?" My friend inquired, peeking over my shoulder

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"Damn when did you get those?" My friend inquired, peeking over my shoulder.

"Wonwoo got them for me. He told me that this eye would be permanently stitched shut, so there was no harm getting some fancy eye patches for me to wear."

"I see. How do you feel knowing that NCT wants to have a call with us?"

I grimaced.

"Those little shits. I swear to god, they're so dead when I've recovered fully."

"Go get them!"

Karina followed me as I left our shared bedroom and up to the third floor where the boss's room was. Hoshi and the other members were waiting patiently for me when I arrived.

"Hello boss. You're looking better." Vernon remarked.

"Thanks. Who's calling?" I asked.

"Kun." Joshua replied.

"Do you know why?"

Joshua shook his head. I sighed and took my seat at the head of the table before motioning to Hoshi to bring over my computer. Opening mail, I saw that NCT had sent me a Zoom link. I clicked it.

"Hello?" Kun exclaimed as the call connected.

"Hi there Kun." I answered coldly.

"Ah Miss Lee. How is your eye?"

I self consciously brought my hand up to my eyepatch.

"Don't ask her about that. What do you want?" I jumped slightly as Jeonghan appeared behind me, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.

Kun nodded.

"Alright. I'm a bit nervous to say this but since you've killed Doyoung and one of our best fighters, Jeno, the rest of us have come to the conclusion. . . we want to surrender."

I blinked.

"Pardon? Did I hear you correctly?" Hoshi gasped rushing over to my side.

"Yes. What are your terms, Miss Lee?" Kun replied.

I didn't answer. Surrender? Was NCT really surrendering to me even after they had kicked my butt?

"Love? Are you okay?" Jeonghan whispered.

I nodded slowly.

"Yeah. Kun I want NCT to give up 20% of their territory, remove all associates from Seoul, and pay the Seoul Gang 100 billion won."

Kun grimaced.


With that Kun went offline.

"Congrats Boss. You've won!" Jun cheered.

I cracked a grin.

"Hoshi. I need you to go get the limo ready." I requested.

"What's happening?" Hoshi asked.

"Let's go shopping. It's time to celebrate!"

Hours Later:

"Damn that beef was great! Also with Soju it was perfect!" Mingyu groaned, leaning back in his seat.

"Yeah though I got to say it was totally unfair that Vernon and Seungkwan kept winning at the games at the arcade." Chan whined.

"No shit Lee Chan, my babe is a hacker. Don't you remember?" Seungkwan huffed with a red face due to the alcohol.

"I didn't forget that Boo Seungkwan! I was just saying that it was unfair!"

"You want to fight me?"

"Sure why not?"

""Okay let's go-"

"That's enough babe." Vernon interjected.

I smirked.

"I think it's time for bed, Seungkwan."

"I'm not tired!" Seungkwan slurred.

"I'll take him away." Vernon offered, lifting his husband up.

I watched as the duo left before hearing Karina whine.

"Jun. . . I'm tired too. Carry me!"

I raised an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?"

The arsonist blushed.

"Uh. . ."

"Take care of your girlfriend, Jun." I smiled.

"You knew?" Jun gasped.

"Of course I'm the boss. I have my sources. Right Hannie?"

Jeonghan winked back at me.

"Right on, babe."

"Oh my fucking god." Minghao groaned.

I glanced at the sniper who was rolling his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"We're mafia, not a dating reality show."

"We can be the first mafia dating reality show!" I chuckled.

Minghao shook his head.


"Yeah?" the doctor answered.

"Pour me another glass of Soju. I need it asap." 

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