Chapter 44

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Jeonghan POV:

I winced as the bullet lodged itself into my chest. I heard Dauen scream suddenly. Looking up, I gasped as Joshua suddenly staggered forward a bullet hole in his skull. As my brother slumped forward dead, I saw Hoshi, standing with Dokyeom, Wonwoo and Jun, a gun smoking in his hand.

"Are you two okay?" Hoshi asked.

I glanced behind me and saw Dauen shivering from nervousness, her arms around my arm.


"I'll take Dauen back to the boat." Jun offered.

"Good idea. Wonwoo, can you treat him?" Dokyeom inquired.

The doctor nodded. I grimaced as Wonwoo extracted the bullet and sewed up the wound.

"You're lucky that Hoshi came in time. That shot barely missed your heart." Wonwoo commented.

"Indeed. How did you know to come back?" I asked.

"Hoshi's tiger instincts." Dokyeom smiled.

"I see."

Just then, Hoshi's phone rang.

"Hello?" Hoshi answered.

"Yo, Hoshi. Can you guys hurry back? Dauen over here is getting hysterical."

I grabbed the phone from Hoshi's hand.

"Dauen? Can I talk to her?"


"Love?" I called out softly.

"Hannie? Are you okay? I'm sorry I got mad. Don't die. Please don't leave me! I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Baby. I'm alive. I'm okay. I know you were upset. And justifiably so. I did something that was really messed up." I sighed.

"But you didn't mean it personally! I just left without hearing you out! I'm a horrible person!" Dauen cried.

"You're not dear. You're not. It was an instinctual reaction. Completely normal. I would have done the same."

"You're not mad?"

"No. I'm not."

"Can you come over? I don't feel safe."

"Of course. I'll be right there."

I ended the call and handed the phone back to Hoshi.

"Are you good Jeonghan? We can still rest if you need to-" Hoshi offered.

"No. Let's go back to Jun."

When we all arrived back at the Seoul Gang base, we were greeted by the rest of the members.

"Jeonghan! Dauen! You're back!" Karina exclaimed, running over to us.

"Did you get shot?" Seungkwan added, gesturing at my bandaged chest.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Cool. A new battle scar." Chan grinned.

"Where's Joshua?" Minghao asked.

I paused.

"He's dead." Hoshi replied coldly.

"Oh. Well that's unexpected." Vernon stated.

I felt Dauen's arm tighten around my arm.

"I'll be taking my fiance to bed now. Goodnight, everyone."

I picked up Dauen and headed inside the house, ignoring everyone's stares. As I set down the girl on the bed, I noticed that Dauen seemed reluctant to let go. Hands grasping my shoulders, as if she was afraid I was going to disappear. I gently wrapped my arm around Dauen's waist and laid onto the bed, pulling the woman into my chest. I ran my fingers through Dauen's hair, watching as Dauen's breathing slowed and calmed down.

"Hannie?" Dauen whispered.


"Can you sing for me?"

"Of course, dear."

I cleared my throat and began to sing. 

I'm ready to love
Tell me, can we stay together? Can we stay together?
I'm a fool of love for you
My heart by your side forever, by your side forever

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