Chapter 30

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Dauen Pov:

"So what's this, a girls night out?" Seungkwan commented, while watching Karina, Ryujin, Kazuha, Leeseo and I packed up guns and supplies.

"It's a mission night, Seungkwan." I replied calmly.

"Dauen are you sure about this?" Jeonghan asked, entering the room.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" I smirked.

"It'll be dangerous."

"I know Hannie. I know."

"Dauen we're all here." Hoshi appeared along with the rest of the Seoul Gang and the leaders of IVE, Itzy, and Le Sserafim.

"Great. Let's get this conference started!" I smiled.

To keep things simple. Karina, Ryujin, Kazuha, Leeseo and I were going to infiltrate NCT's base and explode their ammunition storage room in order to weaken their power. We were the ultimate bitch brigade. Karina and Ryujin. Fighters. Kazuha. Assassin. Leeseo. A hacker. Me. The leader and all rounder. Just as we left the mansion and split off onto our motorcycles, Jeonghan rushed after me.


I turned.


"Come back to me safely, okay?"

"Okay." I smiled.

At NCT's base, the five of us evaded the security cameras and snuck over to the ammunition storage which was in the east of the complex. There was a guard there, but Kazuha swiftly knocked him out with the butt of her gun. The lock on the entrance was no issue either, since Leeseo quickly hacked into it and unlocked the door.

"Okay girls. Here are the bombs, Plant one on each of the boxes of ammo."

"On it boss."

I watched as the other girls got to work, attaching the devices onto the crates. Suddenly there was a loud beep. I glanced at Karina who was frozen.

"Shit." My friend groaned.

RING! RING! I cursed as alarms started blaring. Karina had set off an alarm trigger. There was a pounding of footsteps and I quickly grabbed my bestie and dove behind a box of sniper ammo.

"Girls get ready to fight!" I yelled.

Immediately my team prepared their weapons. Karina, took out her dual pistols. Ryujin unclipped her assault rifle and loaded a clip into her gun. Kazuha unsheathed her knives, which suited her role as assassin. Leeseo was busy laying out her assortment of grenades, while I steadied my silenced pistol. The door to the storage flew open, and I grimaced when I saw NCT Dream, now composed of Jeno, Renjun, Chenle, Haechan, and Jisung.

"Who's here?" Jeno shouted.

"You have exactly to the count of three till I start shooting!" Haechan added.

"Boss, what should we do?" Kazuha hissed.

I paused and noticed that Jisung was very close to the crate that Kazuha was hiding behind. I motioned for her to attack.

"What the- ACK!" Jisung cried out as the girl slashed at his ankles before grabbing him and aiming a knife at his throat.

"Let go of him." Jeno growled.

"No way. Let go of my team." Kazuha spat back.

My eyes widened when I saw Chenle aiming for Kazuha.

Bang! Chenle screamed as Ryujin shot his shoulder, staggering him.

"Okay the rest of you come on out." Jeno ordered.

"Sure thing. Jeno." I stood up.


"Hello Jeno." I smirked.

"Great the bitch is here." Renjun sighed.

"Yes I am."

"Let go of Jisung." Haechan demanded, his hand tightening around his gun.

"Let us leave alive." I shot back.

"After you blatantly tried sabotaging us? Hell no!"

"Well then I guess I'm not letting Jisung free." Kazuha sighed, and pressed her knife deeper into the boy's neck.

"Fuck. . . please don't." Jisung begged.

"Fine. Release Jisung and we'll let you go." Jeno breathed.

Kazuha glanced at me. So far everyone was in a standoff, guns pointed at each other. I glanced at Leeseo and gestured for her to be ready with a smoke bomb.

"Agreed. Kazuha. Let him go." I ordered.

Jisung staggered back to his gang and I watched as the boy collapsed into the arms of Chenle. Renjun sighed.

"Now that's done. I think I'll thank you by-"

Bang! My eyes widened as the male's smile suddenly turned into a cruel smirk and I flinched as the sound of a bullet whizzed through the air. I gasped as someone shoved me out of the way.

"Karina?" I shouted, staring down at my friend who had a bullet wound in her left shoulder.

"Fuck. Leeseo, now!" Karina yelled.

Poof! There was loud smashing noise, then smoke enveloped the air. Leeseo had thrown the smoke bomb. I quickly hoisted Karina over my shoulder.

"Oh no you don't." Jeno shouted.

"Watch out!" Ryujin screamed.

My eyes widened. A flash grenade!

BANG! I collapsed onto the ground, my eyes blinded and my ears ringing from the sound. Next to me, I could see Karina lying on the floor unconscious.

"Dauen! Take my hand!"

I looked up to see Leeseo, arm extended towards me. To her right, I watched as Kazuha and Ryujin struggled against Chenle, Renjun, Haechan, and Jeno. They would be killed if they stayed any longer.

"Leeseo. Take Ryujin and Kazuha and return to the mansion." I instructed.

"But what about you and Karina? We can help you!" Leeseo protested.

There was a scream from Kazuha, and I gasped as I saw Jeno slash a deep wound into her stomach.

"Kazuha's injured! There's no way you guys can take two injured people out of here quickly especially since one is unconscious. I'll stay with Karina! Now go!"

Leeseo nodded.

"We'll come back for you, Dauen!"

I sighed and observed as Leeseo and Ryujin dragged Kazuha away to our motorcycles. I took a deep breath. There was the sound of footsteps near me.

"There's these two slugs left. What should we do Jeno?" Renjun huffed.

"We'll take them back to the boss. Knock her out." Jeno replied.

I cried out as something hard stuck me in the side of the head before collapsing onto the ground, unconscious. 

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