Chapter 38

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Dauen POV:

It was almost time for the wedding. Everything had been pure chaos. Woozi had been working on wedding music, which I had requested for an orchestral version of some popular Kpop songs. Karina and Minghao had taken me out on wedding dress shopping. Mingyu was in charge of cooking. Wonwoo had made a special customized wedding diet for me while Jun, Dokyeom, Chan, and Seungkwan were building a personalized wedding hall filled with luscious orange trees. I couldn't help but laugh as I watched Jun, Dokyeom and Chan struggle to lift a potted orange tree and carry it to the stop that Seungkwan was pointing at.

"Goddamit Dokyeom, help us lift this darn thing!" Chan sighed.

"I'm sorry, I'm wearing white pants, can you not see? If I get dirt on these it'll be stained forever!" Dokyeom countered.

"Guys please move, my arms are killing me-" Jun groaned.

"HURRY UP YOU PEASANTS!" Seungkwan suddenly screeched, standing on one of the tables.

"Geez, we're coming, we're coming." Chan grumbled.

Suddenly the hall filled with bright lights and music blared over the speakers. I looked up and saw Vernon chilling behind a DJ booth along with Woozi.

"Now this reminds me of the PC cafe before I was kidnapped by Jun." Vernon smiled before Seungkwan shouted again.

"Babe! Turn the light off! Do you want to burn my retinas?"

"Babe! Keep the light on! I want to enjoy my break before this chipmunk starts squealing again!" Chan yelled.

"Babe? What the fuck Lee Chan! Prepare to die!"

I gasped as Seungkwan leapt into the air and tackled the younger male beneath him, knocking the orange tree out of Jun and Dokyeom's hands.

"Seungkwan, look at what you made me do! Now there's dirt all over my pants!" Dokyeom groaned.

"Yo this plant fertilizer could be a good base for a bomb!" Jun chimed.

"Shut up Jun, my fucking pants are ruined! These were like 400,000 won too." Dokyeom sulked.

"Well pardon me-"

I heard a loud click and glanced upward to see Vernon push a button. Suddenly the entire hall was flooded with darkness as the lights went out.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Seungkwan, Jun and Chan screamed.

I chuckled. The door behind me opened and Hoshi entered carrying a bowl.

"Hello Miss Lee, here is your prescribed lunch order by Wonwoo, a spinach, grilled chicken and strawberry salad topped with almonds and a poppy seed dressing."

I smiled.

"Thanks Hoshi."

"How's Jeonghan?"

"He's doing well. He just left with Karina and Minghao for wedding suit shopping about 10 minutes ago."

"Oh really? Who are they going too?"

"A fashion boutique that Ateez owns."

"Ateez? Aren't they-"

"A mafia group? Yeah they are. Apparently Hongjoong has an interest in fashion." Hoshi interrupted.

"Pardon me for listening, but didn't you go to Blackpink for your wedding gown?" Seungkwan suddenly asked from behind me.

"I did, but we signed an alliance with them. I've even hung out with some of the members!. Ateez on the other hand, supported NCT during the war. It's an interesting choice for sure." I mused.

"I guess. Say what are you eating?" Jun inquired, staring into my bowl.

"Ew, rabbit food." Chan groaned.

"Well either way I'm hungry." Dokyeom chimed.

"Me too!" Seungkwan joined.

"Shut up fattie!" Chan laughed.

"Fattie? Vernon! Did you hear what this twerp said? Off with his head! Take him to the guillotine, tickle him to death, I don't even care anymore-" Seungkwan screeched.

I watched as Vernon and Woozi slowly made their way down from the DJ booth. Vernon watched as Chan and Seungkwan continued to bicker and smirked before tapping his husband on the shoulder.


"Not now! I'm busy roasting this man bitch's ass off!"

"What's up with him?" Woozi asked, looking disgusted at the scene before him.

"He's hangry." Vernon replied.

"You deserve much worse than that maggot!" Seungkwan screamed, beginning to pummel Chan.

"Okay, now that's enough. Seungkwan stop hitting Chan, and Chan stop insulting Seungkwan. You two are brothers in arms. You should love each other." Hoshi interjected, separating the duo.

"How about we all go to The Best PC Cafe, and get some pizza or something?" Vernon suggested.

"The Best PC Cafe? What's it called?" Dokyeom asked.

"The Best PC Cafe." Vernon replied.

"Okay, but what's its name?"

"The Best PC Cafe. That's the place's name."

"Wow. . . how original."

"Dude, isn't that the cafe I kidnapped you from?" Jun mused.

"Yep. I can get us a good 50% off on the pizza too. The owner loves me." Vernon chuckled.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Seungkwan huffed, strutting out of the hall.

"Alright then it's decided. Dauen are you coming?" Hoshi asked, glancing at me.

"Hmm I can't eat pizza, but I'll tag along."

"Splendid. See you in the car then."

I nodded and watched as Hoshi, Dokyeom, and Seungkwan raced each other outside. As I arrived at the front door I paused. Looking outside I saw Vernon, Seungkwan, Woozi, Hoshi, Mingyu, Wonwoo, Dokyeom, Chan and Jun. Karina and Minghao were out with Jeonghan so who was missing? Joshua. I turned back, when I suddenly heard Seungkwan yellafter me.

"Dauen! Where are you going?"

"I'm going to ask Joshua if he wants to join us. I'll be right back. It'll only take a minute!"

I dashed upstairs and reached Jeonghan and Joshua's shared room. Knocking on the door, I called out,

"Joshua? It's me, Dauen. Can I come in?"

There was no reply. Frowning, I opened the door and squinted as I realized that all the lights were off and the blinds were closed. In the center of the room stood Joshua with his back turned toward me. The male's head was bent as he was reading something. I swallowed. Something was off.

"Dauen. I've been expecting you." Joshua turned and smiled. 

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