Chapter 6

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Dauen Pov:

It was Friday again. To be fair, life had been pretty nice. Every morning I would wake to find a package from Seungcheol containing either a dress, shoes, purses, and jewelry from luxury stores such as Dior, Prada, Gucci and Louis Vuitton. Karina of course immediately came to the conclusion that the man was my sugar daddy, completely ignoring whether I agreed to the notion of it or not. We sat outside in the courtyard enjoying the fall air when Karina spoke,

"Did you get anything today?"

"No actually. It's strange. . ." I replied, taking a sip from my water bottle.

"Really? Did he get tired of you?" Karina chuckled.

"For the last time he's not my sugar dad-"

Suddenly a car pulled up to the University catching both of our attention.

"Speak of the devil." my friend muttered.

I watched as Hoshi got out of the car, dressed in a black suit with a somber look on his face.

"I think something's wrong. . ." I murmured.

"You think so? He doesn't look any differently dressed than usual to me." Karina commented as the male approached us.

"Miss Lee." Hoshi spoke when he arrived.

"Yes. I'll go. Bye Karina!" I interrupted, quickly packing my belongings to get ready to leave.

Karina rolled her eyes but let me leave without much complaint. The drive was quiet but I began to sense that the man next to me was extremely sad, as there were several loud sighs from him and the occasional sniffle. I didn't dare ask why. When we arrived at the mansion, Hoshi led me up the stairs to Seungcheol's office. When I opened the door however, instead of the handsome male I was met with five other males all extremely handsome.

"Hoshi, what's happening?" I stammered.

"Miss Lee. Please take a seat." The man sighed.

I complied and watched as Hoshi sat down across from me.

"Miss Lee. I don't know how to break this to you, but Mr. Choi, has passed away."

I froze. What? Seungcheol was dead?

"Please take a look at this paper." Hoshi continued.

With trembling hands, I glanced at the text and read:

This document hereby determines that if the signer (Choi Seungcheol) passes from any cause natural or unnatural their empire and wealth shall be transferred to Miss Lee Dauen.

I frowned.

"Hoshi. What empire is this contract talking about?"


My eyes widened in horror. I quickly stood and stumbled my way over to the door. Mafia? There was no fucking way. There was just no way that the kind man I had known as Choi Seungcheol was a mafia leader. No way. . .

"Miss Lee?" I heard someone stand up but my head hurt too much to determine who it was.

"Miss Lee, are you feeling alright? You look unsteady-"

Without another word, darkness over my eyes and I fainted into nothingness.

Hoshi Pov:


 I replied as the girl's eyes came up from the page.

Immediately Dauen's face paled and she stood, stumbling towards the door. My eyes furrowed in worry. Sure, I hadn't spent much time with the female, but she had seemed to bring genuine happiness to Seungcheol my late master. 

"Miss Lee?" I spoke cautiously, watching the girl fumble with the door handle, while shaking her head and muttering incoherent words.

"Miss Lee, are you feeling alright? You look unsteady-" I rushed over just as the girl fainted into my arms.

"Dude. Are you sure about this? She seems completely unprepared for mafia life." Mingyu commented from the couch.

"Yeah. Not to mention weak as hell." Vernon added.

I glared at the duo.

"This was Seungcheol's dying wish, and we will honor it, am I understood?"

There was a loud sigh but eventually the five men nodded.

"Where are you going to put her?" Jun asked.

"In Seungcheol's bedroom." I answered.

"Uh. Seriously, man?" Minghao groaned.

"Well like it or not, she's the new boss. Now if you excuse me I'm gonna lay her down. Horanghae."

With that I left carrying the young woman to the bedroom. She was delicate like a flower, would she really be okay in the cold world of the mafia? I sighed as I left. This was going to be a hard road. 

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