Chapter 23

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Joshua Pov:

"Yes, Doyoung. Yes, I'm sorry I had to kill Mark. C'mon you know the deal was when HE dies, you get your part of the deal. No, you can't have it earlier. Doyoung I swear to g-"

Click! I quickly stopped talking as my brother entered the bedroom with a smile on his face.

"Doyoung, I'll get back to you. HE's here. Okay. Bye bye."

"AHHHH!" Jeonghan screamed into a pillow.

I raised an eyebrow.

"What happened, brother dear?"

"I did it Joshua! I did it!" My sibling giggled excitedly.


"I asked her out!"

"Oh? How did it go?"

"She said yes!"

I smiled widely.


"So. Who were you calling?" Jeonghan asked suddenly.

I grimaced.


"Why would you do that?" My brother jumped up, glaring at me.

"Calm yourself, I was just explaining to Doyoung why Johnny, Jaehyun and Mark are dead."

"Did you set up some sort of deal?"

"Yes." I muttered.

"Excuse me?"


Suddenly my phone rang. I glanced down at the caller ID. Doyoung.

"Oh look at that, I've got a call. See you!" I smiled, before quickly running out of the room.

Jeonghan Pov:

I watched as my brother sprinted out of the bedroom. Something felt wrong but I couldn't place why. Shrugging, I headed off to bed. I had a date tomorrow after all.

The next day: 

"Okay Joshua, which one looks better on me?" I asked holding up two outfits.

My brother shrugged.

"Oh c'mon don't be a dick, I need to look perfect you hear me?"

"I hear you. I think she'll like either one."

"You're not being helpful!" I grumbled.

Joshua smirked.

"Ugh fine I'll choose the blue sweater and jeans then." I rolled my eyes.

As I was readjusting my collar, the door to my bedroom flew open

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As I was readjusting my collar, the door to my bedroom flew open.

"YOU ASKED HER OUT?" Hoshi roared, grabbing me by my shirt.

"Hey man, watch it! You're getting my top all wrinkly!" I complained.


I raised my hands in defense as the male continued to throw insults at me.

"What are you so mad about?" I spat.

"Oh I'm sorry, it's my duty to protect my boss!" Hoshi snapped.

"And? I'm not killing her."

"As if. Don't think I've forgotten what your attitude was towards Dauen when you first came here."

"Dude, it's just a date, don't be a bitch!"

"Just a date? What's your view flower boy? She's not just a side chick you know."

I sighed.

"I promise you, nothing harmful will come to Dauen" I soothed.

"Like I would believe you-"

"Okay break it up you two." Joshua's voice broke the tension.

"Shut up!" Hoshi raged.

"Wow. Uncool man." My brother muttered.

Just as I was about to speak, the door to my bedroom opened once again revealing Dauen wearing a cute dress and Wonwoo standing behind her.

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"Wonwoo? Dauen?" Hoshi stammered.

"Hello Hoshi. Hello Jeonghan and Joshua. I just came here to tell you that I've done the medical checkups and Miss Lee is physically well enough to go on the date." the doctor reported.

"What? Wonwoo you're just letting her go?" Hoshi gasped.

"Why not? You're not her dad and she's a grown woman."


"Hoshi. I'll be fine. Don't worry." Dauen grabbed the capregime's hand comfortingly.

"But. . ."


"Fine. Call me if anything goes wrong, okay?"

Dauen nodded.

I let out a cough and gently took Dauen's arm.

"Shall we my lady?" I asked.

Dauen smiled at me.

"Sure, let's go."  

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