Chapter 7

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Dauen Pov:

The sun poured through the windows when I awoke, lying in a comfortable bed that I immediately knew was not my own. I sat up with groggy eyes and blinked as I took in the sights around me. No matter where I looked, every object in this room screamed " I'm expensive as hell, and too good for your broke ass!" when my eyes landed on the doorway, I screamed. There leaning against the doorway, with a calm look on his face, was none other than Hoshi.

"Hoshi! What are you doing?"

"Watching you." The man replied.


"To make sure you don't run away."

I gulped. The man was right. If I had indeed woken up without supervision, I most certainly would have taken the opportunity to run off.

"Is she awake?" A deep voice asked behind Hoshi.

"Hmm? Oh yeah Wonwoo. Want to check her out?"

A handsome male with cold cat-like eyes entered carrying a leather bag in his right hand. I immediately sat up and pulled the blankets up, trying to hide away.

"Miss Lee. This is Jeon Wonwoo. He's our doctor. Can he examine you?" Hoshi asked.

"Is it necessary?" I whimpered.

"No. But it would probably be for the best considering you fainted earlier."

I sighed and emerged from the covers.

"Does anywhere hurt?" Wonwoo asked, gently feeling my head and neck for bumps.

I shook my head. Surprisingly despite the cold exterior, Wonwoo's hands were soft and gentle, and he was careful while examining me almost like I was a doll.

"Hmm no bumps. That's good. Alright Hoshi, I think the fainting spell was just due to stress. After all, Miss Lee did get quite the news four hours ago. . ." Wonwoo announced, standing up.

"Four hours? I've been out for that long?" I gasped.

Hoshi nodded.

"Yep. I don't want to rush you, but it would be nice if we could go over introductions soon."

I sighed. I guess this was my life now. From medic school student to mafia leader. . . life really was crazy.

"I guess we can start." I muttered.

Hoshi beamed at my reluctant answer.

"Really? Great!"

The man entered carrying a large file. When I opened it I saw photos and descriptions of the six males including Hoshi and Wonwoo.

"What's this?" I asked, a little intrigued.

"Each member's roles in the gang. I suggest you read through them. You'll need to know what each member's strengths are when you send them out for missions."


"Yes. We'll get to that later. Just read through those papers okay?"

I nodded and began reading. Member 1. Hoshi. Roles - Fighter, Caporegime, and Planner.

"What's a caporegime?" I inquired.

"I'm the second in command. Basically I help you lead and advise you on decision making." Hoshi explained.

I nodded. Alright. Next to member The8. Roles- Sniper. . . and Torturer?!

"Okay, two questions."

"Hit me."

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