Chapter 15

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Jeonghan Pov:

'Here you go sirs. Your guest room." The maid said, stepping back.

I nodded at her and gestured for her to leave

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I nodded at her and gestured for her to leave.

"Ahh I love being in this rich fancy mansion." Joshua sighed, flopping onto the bed.

"Dauen. Dauen. Dauen. What am I going to do about this situation?" I grumbled, catching my brother's attention.

"Well. . ." Joshua began to say before a loud ring interrupted him.

I took out my phone and accepted the call.

"Dokyeom. What's your status?"

"Excellent sir. I've just eliminated our targets. Jeon Soyeon and Lee Taeyong are dead. Their rare collection of medicinal herbs are under our control." Dokyeom reported.

"Good. I'll send Seungkwan to oversee negotiations with NCT." I commented.

"Yes sir. Anything else you need?"

"No. Come back to base."

"Yes sir."

I canceled the call and glanced at Joshua.

"Successful mission?"

"Yes, At least I have that going for me." I grumbled.

"I actually have some more good news for you." Joshua grinned, waving the will.

"Oh not that dreaded thing."

"I was reading this again, and while it's true that if you killed Dauen the position would be handed down to Hoshi and not you, there is a way that you could still get it."

"Really? Tell me." I demanded.

"Well according to a mafia constitution in 1950, despite a will, an outsider can get partial control over a gang by marriage."

I blinked.


Joshua nodded.

"NOOOOOOO!" I yelled, slamming my head into a pillow.

"Yeah dude. If you want the Seoul Gang that bad you're gonna have to marry Miss Lee."

"Joshua, you were there weren't you? I insulted her on our first encounter, and on our second meeting the girl chucked a blade at my head. How the hell am I going to marry her?"

Joshua shrugged.

"Dunno man. Good luck I guess."

I groaned loudly.

"I hate my life."

Vernon Pov:

"Hey Jun?" I called out to the male who was next to me, cleaning his gun.


"I've found some disturbing news."

"What is it?"

I showed Jun my computer screen. There was a security camera video showing a hooded man walking into a house and killing a male and female.

"Who's that?" Jun asked.

"I managed to get this while I was busy hacking the Mafia Gazette's information systems. Looks like someone murdered Jeon Soyeon and Lee Taeyong, a couple who apparently grew a lot of medicinal herbs and drugs and sold them to top medical facilities." I explained.

"Jeon Soyeon and Lee Taeyong? Why do those names sound familiar. . ."

"They're names of Miss Lee's parents." I finished.

Jun's eyes widened.

"What? Fuck. We can't let her know this happened."

I nodded.

"Do you know who committed the murder?"

I shook my head.

"Find out. I wanna go kill this bastard and whoever sent him." Jun growled.

"Agreed. I'll do my best."

"Good." Jun commented, sitting back down.

I turned back to my computer. Just you wait, I thought. I'm gonna find you and when I do you're so dead. 👿

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