Chapter 24

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Dauen Pov:

"I thought we were robbing a bank?" I chuckled, scanning the extravagant restaurant.

"Nah. Not today." Jeonghan smiled.

"Hmm it's kinda empty here. Wonder why?" I mused.

"Oh, I rented out the entire place for us today." Jeonghan replied.

My eyes widened.


"Yep, just for us. A little private date."

"Wow, that's actually really romantic." I sighed.

"I'm glad you like it. Now what do you want to order?"

I scanned the menu quickly before replying.

"Oh, I'll just get grilled chicken without skin, lettuce salad with light dressing and no croutons."

Jeonghan raised an eyebrow.

"Why so constrictive?"

"Hoshi and Wonwoo put me on a diet to maintain my figure." I replied.

"Well then. How about this?" Jeonghan leaned forward to whisper in my ear.

"You can get whatever you want, and I won't tell them? Hmm? Go on and choose anything you want."

I bit my lip nervously.

"You sure?"


I smiled.

"Well then I guess I'll have a double cheeseburger with extra pickles, and cheese fries."

"Want to split a milkshake?"

"Sure!" I agreed.

"What flavor?"

"Cookies and cream?"

"Sounds great! Waiter!" Jeonghan yelled and a nervous young male appeared.

"Yes sir? What would you two like to order?"

Jeonghan quickly relayed our orders and the man scurried off. A few minutes later, our dishes appeared and I squealed in delight.

"Oh my god they look amazing!" I gushed.

"Well then go on. Have a bite." Jeonghan urged.

I complied and bit into my burger, relishing in its delicious taste.

"How is it?" The blonde male asked.

"Heavenly." I replied.

"Seriously, has Hoshi not been feeding you? I'll need to have a word with him."

"It's not like that. It's just that food has been very limited." I sighed.

"And here's your milkshake." The waiter returned carrying our drink.

"Thank you!" I smiled.

"No problem. Please call me if you need anything else."

I watched as the waiter dashed off and frowned.

"What's got him so jittery?" I muttered.

"Oh probably because I pulled a gun on his boss and demanded that he rent this place out to us for free or else." Jeonghan answered.

My eyes widened.

"You did what?"

"You're not a civilian anymore Lee Dauen. You're in the mafia."

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