Chapter 1

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Copyright © 2012 Chantal Fredette

All rights reserved.


Chapter 1

I opened my eyes and the Sun was up. Turning my head to look beside me and saw him, why did I always come back here?

I looked at the time that was on his side and I panicked a bit. I didn't want to be late, Emily hated when I was late which was close to every visit.

The last thing I wanted was to wake him as I slowly got out of bed and found my black bra, black underwear, my dark jeans and my red tank-top. I went to the bathroom and got dressed as fast as I could and then checked myself out in the mirror.

Rolling my eyes in frustration, my mascara was extremely smudged under my eyes making me look like a raccoon. I turned on the faucet to get a bit of water and fixed my make-up as best as I could. I knew I still looked like crap but it was better than before.

I slowly opened the bathroom door and started to walk towards the front door. I quickly check the bedroom making sure he was still asleep. Being Saturday, I knew he wasn't working and that he would probably sleep in. I smiled when I saw he hadn't moved an inch since I left the bed.

I grabbed my purse, my shoes and my jacket then made my way to the front door. I locked it from the inside, like he had once told me and got out of his apartment. After closing the door, I checked the handle to make sure and it was locked. I nodded my head and went to grab the elevator.

Once the elevator doors were closed I put my shoes on. If people could see me now, they'd probably think I was doing the walk of shame after a one night stand.

I checked the time on my cell and I was definitely going to be late, again.

The doors opened on the main floor and I quickly made my way out and went to my crappy car. I went to the gas station yesterday morning knowing I wouldn't want to go today and also to save some time.

I started my car and left the parking lot as fast as I could without driving like a crazy person.

Twenty minutes later, I was in front of the building where my psychologist worked, I parked my car and ran inside the building. Taking the stairs two at a time, her office on the second floor and it made no sense to take the elevator, it would take longer.

I got to the office door and opened it. I gave my name and my health card to the receptionist and just by the look she was giving me, I knew I was in trouble.

I never understood that, I paid for the hour long session even if I was running late I still paid it so why would Emily or even the receptionist be irritated. They didn't lose money by me being late, it was my screw up and I didn't care that much.

I took a seat and not a minute later Emily came into the room and called my name.

I got up, grabbed my purse and followed her to her office. She was usually very chatty except today she was quiet.

I'm in trouble, I thought to myself.

When we both got in her office and she closed the door, I took my usual chair as did she. With her starring at me, I felt like I was being watched over by my mother or the cops.

"You're late." She stated.

"Yeah I know, sorry I lost track of time. When I got in my car, I completely forgot to put gas in it yesterday and there was a lineup to pay." I said while moving my hands in the air trying to describe the situation.

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