Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Walking into the apartment I shared with Lisa, I felt nervous. I didn't want to be bombarded with questions.

"Lisa you home?" I yelled out while taking off my running shoes, but all I received was silence.

I walked around, even checked out her bedroom but no one was here.

Good, this will be easier than I thought.

I went to our small living room with my purse and sat on the couch.

I opened it and saw my underwear. I quickly got up and threw them in my room, reminding myself to put them with the rest of my dirty clothes later. Sitting back down on the couch, I grabbed my cell phone, I found the number for the diner and pressed the green button to dial. It rang a few times and Lucas, my boss, answered the phone.

Disappointed it wasn't one of the girls. He was the last person I wanted to talk to.

"Hey Lucas, I'm really sorry but I can't come into work today." I said to him.

"Oh yeah...why not?" He asked, I could hear him moving some papers around.

"Because I'm sick and I don't feel well." I told him.

"With the hours I've been giving you lately I'd thought you'd be more grateful." He said with a bad attitude and I couldn't hear anything from the background anymore.

"I am grateful, really I am wouldn't want me there today, neither would the customers."

"What your new boyfriend tired you out?" He asked.

Yup, good thing I wasn't there in person because I'd be leaving with a painful hand, him with a black eye and I'd probably be jobless.

"No." I simply said trying my best to be in control of my emotions.

"Then why can't you come in?" He said. I could tell by his voice that I was pissing him off.

Might as well take advantage of it and enjoy it while it last, I thought.

"It's really embarrassing but I'll tell you, only because you asked... I think I ate something bad or it's the flu because all night I had the runs. Like seriously it won't stop, I have to go to the bathroom every 15 to 30 minutes. I'm terrified that I won't make it to the bathroom and shit myself. My ass hurts so much that I can't even walk straight and so much worse when I sit down." I said, trying not to laugh.


"Listen if you really want me to come in... Oh crap...I have to go again. Listen Lucas, I'll call you back when I'm done unless you want to wait..." I said, biting my tongue so I wouldn't laugh.

"Um... It's fine Amanda, stay home. I'll give you tomorrow off as well, feel better." He said.

"Thank you Lucas. Oh my gosh! Now I really have to go. Bye." I said and hung up.

As soon as I knew my phone had disconnected the call, I threw my phone on the couch beside me and started to laugh. I don't think he would flirt with me from now on which would be freaking great.

I had given him many details to form a good mental picture and now I just hoped it would stay in his tiny head so he could leave me alone.

I didn't know what I was going to do most of the day but I decided to start with a shower. I'd start getting ready even if I had hours to kill.

I grabbed my things and headed to the bathroom. Once I felt the hot water hit my head and go down my back I could feel myself relax...but just a little bit.

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