Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I woke-up with the annoying sound of my alarm clock. The main song from the movie Mission: Impossible playing over and over again on my cell phone.

I looked beside me but it wasn't there. I sat up trying to look where it was, or where the sound was coming from.

I got off the bed but I had some trouble with my footing and focus. Still half asleep but I just had to find my phone and turn off that annoying sound. I started to pay attention and found it was coming from my jeans that were on the floor.

I picked up my jeans and took out my phone from my back pocket and turned off my alarm.

Standing butt naked and cold in Blake's room, I wanted to go back under the covers. Knowing I'd just fall back asleep, I knew I couldn’t do that since there wasn’t much free time.

I put my clothes back on except for my underwear. I didn't have a clean pair with me so I decided to go commando and place my underwear in my purse. I could smell the diner's grease on my clothes but mostly on my shirt and I didn't want to put it back on.

I went to Blake's closet and picked out a shirt that wouldn't scream 'I spent the night at a guy's house' when I saw my dad, that would be too weird and awkward.

I grabbed a blue t-shirt and put it on.

I had never done that before but also, when I'd spend the night I wasn't here at this time in the morning either.

I did his bed since it was made when I came into the room last night. When I was done I slowly unlocked the bedroom door.

Trying to be as quiet as I could, I slowly walked toward the bathroom while Blake was still passed out on the couch.

The blanket wasn't covering him completely, his chest was exposed and so was one of his legs.

Damn, that man is...yum.

I focused on what I was doing and walked to the bathroom closing the door once I was inside. After using the bathroom and washing my hands, I splashed some water in my face, hoping it would wake me up. When I got out of the bathroom, Blake was now sitting but very much half asleep.

I walked towards him and sat down next to him. I rested my head on his naked shoulder and I heard him chuckle.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi, you're still here." He said his voice full of sleep.

"Of course, you're my ride." I said laughing a bit.

"Ah...but still, it's a first." He said.

"True… Did I wake you up?" I asked.

"No, your alarm did. I just didn't want to get up yet. Then I heard you in the room and the bathroom door..."

"Sorry." I said.

"Don't be." He said turning his head and finally looking at me. "Are you wearing my shirt?" He asked, focusing completely on his shirt I was wearing.

I bit my lip, the last thing I wanted was to make him angry. "Is it okay? My shirt from last night smells like the grease from the diner. I know I smell like it too but... I'll wash it tonight and I'll give it back, I swear..." I said as fast as I could.

I found men scary in general but angry that terrified me.

"It's fine. My clothes look good on you, I like it." He said with half a smile.

"I swear I'll wash it and give it back to you next time I see you." I told him.

"You make it sound like I'm angry. I'm not."

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