Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I finally made it home.  Walking through the door, everything was silent.  No sound from the TV, the radio or from Lisa.  I put my purse down and took off my running shoes and started to look around.

I wanted to laugh when I saw Lisa passed out on the couch with the TV was on, except it was on mute.  I got closer to her and got down on my knees so we were face to face.

"Do you know you're drooling?" I asked using my normal tone of voice.

When I didn't get a response, I said it again.

"Do you know you're drooling?" I repeated a little louder.

"Go away." She said with her eyes closed.  I wasn't sure if she was answering still asleep or if she was waking up.

"You're sleeping in a puddle of your own drool.  I'd be careful, you might drown." I said trying to control my voice so I wouldn't laugh.

I wasn't lying, she was drooling but her puddle wasn't that big.  I'd make sure she was sitting on that side of the couch later.

"Go away." She repeated.

Well that was unacceptable.  I loved that I could be myself with Lisa.  She was the only person who had never judged me and I could be nice, playful, annoying, crazy…and she still loved me.

I got up and walked to the kitchen.  I opened the cabinets and grabbed the first metal frying pan I saw and grabbed two spoons.  Going back to the living room I sat on the floor and turned the pan upside down.  I grabbed my spoons and slowly started to hit the pan to the beat I wanted.

She hated me when I did this but it was fine, I was having fun.  It was my way of saying I loved her and that I missed her.  I did the same with A.J. from time to time.  Felix was just too cute and so I couldn't do it to him.

I continued doing my beat and started singing my usual song I sang to her when I wanted to wake her up.

"It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart.
Without saying a word you can light up the dark."

"Stop." Lisa said but her eyes were still closed.

"You know the rules…sit up, open your eyes and then I'll stop."  I said and continued my song that I was singing completely off key.

"Try as I may, I could never explain what I hear when you don't say a thing.
The smile of your face let's me know that you need me.
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me.
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me whenever I fall.

You say it best,"

"When you say nothing at all." Lisa sang half asleep.  She opened her eyes and slowly sat up.  "I don't like you." She said.

"It's okay, it won't last." I told her smiling.  I hit the pan a couple of times with a big smile on my face and Lisa got up quickly and grabbed the pan from me.

"Hey!" I yelled as she walked towards the kitchen, probably to put it back.

As she walked back into the living room, "I hate you." she said sitting on the couch.  Her small puddle of drool got her attention when she said loudly, "Oh my God!  Did I drool?!"

"Yup.  I told you when I got in but you didn't wake up.  I repeated it a couple of times but your response was 'Go away' so I decided to sing." I told her smiling.  She wiped her mouth and I started laughing.

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