Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Pleased to be standing in front of my building. I made my way to the door and got my keys to enter.

Once inside and I pressed the elevator button to go up. Lisa and I lived on the 8th floor and I didn't want to walk up all those stairs today. Talking with Emily had drained me.

I got in the elevator and pressed the button for my floor, as the doors were about to close a woman got on. I looked at her and she was dressed like she was going to work instead of going home.

Maybe she's visiting, I thought.

She was very well dressed and probably in her mid 30s. I breathed in and that's when her scent invaded my nostrils.

Damn! This chick must have put the whole bottle of perfume on her, I though.

I slowly raised my hand without being to obvious and plugged my nose. The rest of my hand was covering my mouth. She was standing a bit ahead of me, while I had my back against the elevator wall.

When she turned around to look at me, she paused then frowned.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

Oh crap! Think! Think of something good and not, yeah lady you just sink.

"Um." I didn't want to move my hand, I was positive the stench would give me a massive headache. "Yeah...bad cold, it's like I'm going to sneeze... Usually people don't like to share colds." I said. With my nose plugged, my voice changed a bit making me hope that it was convincing enough. I moved my hand to the side and gave her a small smile.

I heard the ding of the elevator and the door opened but it wasn't my floor.

"I hope you feel better." She said smiling.


She got off the elevator and the doors closed again.

I took my hand away to sniffed the air, like a dog would, but it still smelled like her cheap perfume so my hand went back to plug my nose and cover my mouth.

When the doors finally opened on my floor, I quickly got out of the elevator and took a deep breath.

Man that stunk. I should have taken the stairs.

I smiled when I saw our door, the numbers 845 meant I was home.

I grabbed my keys again and opened our front door.

I got in and put down my purse, hanged my keys up and took off my jacket.

"Amanda?" I heard Lisa yell out.

"No, I'm a burglar. I'm here to steal all your stuff." I said, being sarcastic.

She turned the corner, coming out of the living room.

"That's not funny."

I laughed, "Sort of is. Except burglars wouldn't say that and they'd be very quiet. Like a ninja...I hope." I said, giving her my best ninja pose and smiling my innocent smile.

She rolled her eyes and I laughed.

"Your mom called last night to remind you about your appointment today. You didn't miss it right? I called your cell..." She was saying.

"I turned it off. It interrupts me when I'm trying to ignore it." I said laughing.

"Well call your mom." Lisa ordered.

"Yeah I will, after my nap."

"If you don't do it now, you'll probably forget." She said.

I let out a groan of frustration and looked at her.

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