Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Two months had passed since Blake knew the truth about Jesse death.  I still had my 'walls up' to protect myself but each day they were slowly coming down.  Blake somehow had won my trust and I had never been happier.

Every aspect of our relationship had gotten better, we could talk about everything even if we'd argue afterwards.  When we'd go out he'd always find someway to make me feel safe and protected.  I was starting to feel like an girly girl which freaked me out at times.

It fascinated me because now, I had no more secrets to keep from him.  Since I was little, I was always the girl who had to keep secrets, now I didn't have to watch what I said around Blake or push him away or even talk 'code' with my parents when he was around.  I could just be me and each day he showed me that was what he wanted.

Blake's mom and his friends still didn't know the truth about my childhood and that was more than okay with me.  They didn't need to know and if one day they did, Blake and I would cross that bridge together when the time was right.  

"It's so hard." I said surprised, I didn't remember it feeling like this with my mom.

"It’s supposed to be hard and give it a couple more weeks, it will be even harder." Lisa said.

"I can't believe it.  Why would you wait so long to tell me?!  I know I'm never here but it's called a telephone!" I said loudly while feeling like the worst friend ever.

"I wanted to finish my first trimester and then tell you in person but almost two months after that..." She explained while unintentionally making me feel worse.

"I'm so sorry I haven't been around.  When I'd come here, you weren't here and..." I said, not knowing how to finish my sentence.

"I was probably with the baby's daddy." Lisa said with a big smile.

"It's strange, I don't even know a thing about him."

"He's perfect...well perfect for me.  Brian and I work together, we like a lot of the same stuff which makes it fun.  I know that even though everything is great now, I know it won’t always be that way.  The baby wasn't planned or anything but I love him and he loves me...we're happy." She told me.

"What did your mom say?" I asked a bit worried.

She rolled her eyes, "When I told her, she was really surprised... but she's coming around to it.  Even though I'm a grown-up, I got the lecture that I'm too young and that a baby shouldn't be my focus at my age but now she more relaxed and really excited.  Each time I go over, she shows me something new she bought for the baby...she even told all our neighbors’ that she's going to be a grandma.  I swear it's like she's a completely different person from when I told her." Lisa said.

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