Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"Hello?" I yelled as I entered my parents' house.

One thing I was happy about was that my brothers had already left for school and it was 'safe' to talk.

"Kitchen" My mom yelled. I turned my head and saw them.

I made my way over and my dad was sitting at the table looking like a mess.

"Hi dad." I said.

"Hi honey, have a seat." He said.

"Do you want something to drink?" My mom asked while giving my dad a cup of coffee.

"Water please." I asked her and I took a seat at the kitchen table in front of him.

My mom gave me a glass of water and sat down next to me and placing her coffee in front of her.

I tried to think of how to start, no one was talking and I knew they were waiting for me.

"What's going on Amanda?" My dad asked, after I was taking to long.

I took a deep breath and started talking.

"When I left the garage yesterday... I called in sick at work and I went to Anne's school."

"What?!" My mom said loudly. "I thought we agreed we were going to wait. What happened to waiting?" She said.

"I didn't...I couldn't." I said looking at the table. I knew if I looked at them I'd see disappointment across their face.

"And?" My dad said, clearly showing in his voice he wasn't happy.

"I was talking to Anne in front of the school when he came out and she yelled for him to come over to us. He seemed curious of who I was. Anne introduced us and..."

"And..." My mom said, pushing me to continue.

"And by looking at his face, when Anne told him my name he froze." I said.

"What do you mean he froze?" My dad asked.

"He knew who I was...just like I knew who he was. He looks exactly like Jesse but younger. I clearly remember Jesse's face right before I shot him...I've seen it in my head, in my nightmares...he's Jesse's son." I told them.

"Some people look alike but aren't related. Are you sure it's his son?" My mom asked and I nodded my head.

"Anne left with her friends leaving Jesse and me alone. We talked...I told him to leave Anne alone or he was going to meet everyone who knew the truth. Then I got in my car and left." I said to them.

"Do you know how dangerous that could have been?!" My dad said loudly.

"He's a kid, Derrick." My mom said, trying to calm him down.

"I don't care if he a freaking five year old, Angela. If he is Jesse's kid...we don't know anything about him. What does he want? Why is he 'friends' with Anne? What is he after?" He said angrily.

A few minutes passed without anyone saying a word. We were all just thinking and trying to put the piece we knew together, trying to make sense of everything.

Maybe he was just a boy trying to figure things out and to understand. Maybe he was after information...maybe his mom wanted information but for what? Curiosity or revenge... The Jesse from my childhood did always tell my mom he loved her more than anything and could be jealousy.

"Did he give you any information?" My mom said, finally breaking the silence.

"He didn't say much. I think I caught him off guard. His mom works close but is embarrassed, so he didn't tell me where. I'm guessing a stripper could be anything. He grew up here. No girls are allowed in his house, which I found intriguing, the first thought I got was psychopath, him or his mom. It also could be very simple, that he didn't want Anne or anyone to learn the truth. I asked what his mother's name is but he didn't answer. He asked Anne about her family except the way Anne phrased it was her family and my family. I asked him why would he bother to know about us and he said he was curious. That all I can think about... about what was said."

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