Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

We stayed at his mom's house for a couple hours. I was surprised how well we got along. I really liked her and I hoped she felt the same way. I know the way Blake and I started wasn't the best of ways, certainly in his mothers' eyes.

I was relieved, after I apologized for my behavior about how I treated her son, that she accepted my apology and we moved on to a different subject.

If it was my mom, she would have been on my ass for hours about how she didn't raise me to act this way. I'm pretty sure Blake's mom had a talk with him about me... I understood any good mother would be worried. Now I just hope she believed me when I told her I really do care for her son.

When we left Mrs. Sanders home, I was pleased that it wasn't because of me. Joey was pretty obvious by moving around everywhere and sitting down on different chairs that he was ready to go. I found it interesting that he was the 'laid back' type of guy, like Blake had called him. It made me wonder what his other friends were like.

"So what did you think?" Blake asked me as we walked to his car.

"I like her." I stated.

"Are you serious? She didn't freak you out?" He asked.

"No, not at all... She asked me questions which are really normal and I answered them being completely honest." I told him.

He nodded his head as we continued walking.

"Where do you want to go?" Blake asked me.

"We could go play pool." I answered.

"I'm in!" Joey yelled.

"Are you sure?" Blake asked me.

"Yeah, ask your friends if they want to come. I could meet everyone and then I'd stop feeling anxious." I said to him.

"Wow. You did a 180 in the last few days." He said and I just lifted my shoulders showing him that I didn't have an answer for his statement.

"I'm on it!" Joey yelled again.

"On what?" Blake asked him.

"On calling everyone." He answered, like it was evident.

"Can you just wait a minute?" Blake asked him and Joey slowly nodded.

Blake took my hand and walked me a few steps away from Joey.

"You don't have to do this you know, today was a big step. No need to rush it, we have all the time in the world."

"I don't feel rushed. I'd like to meet your friends. You told me they were nice. I know things have changed in the past few days and that you are probably asking why but..." I took a deep breath to give me the courage to continue. "I really like you and I'm trying up. I know if I don't, I'll lose you and I don't want that to happen." I told him, making sure to keep my voice down.

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