Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"You are strange my friend." I state.

"Why?" Blake asked.

"Because, you said you'd pick me up after my shift and we'd go out to dinner." I told him as he was driving us to his place.

"I did, just not in that order. I came to the diner after your shift, we ate dinner and now you have a ride." He said with a big smile.

"You said going out to dinner, not to eat at the diner. The food is...nasty. I eat there only, and honestly only if I have to." I told him.

"I know but I was hungry." He said while I shook my head and laughed.

My parents picked up my car this morning so that once my dad was done work tonight he could change the oil and also check other things. In the morning, I just had to go and pick it up. I asked Blake if he wanted to hang out and he said yes.

I had seen Blake twice since our ‘first’ conversation. He was actually funny and could make me laugh. I was proud of myself, still no sex, just trying to get to know him and I was surprised he hadn't pushed the subject. He gave me the impression that he wanted to know me as well, which was kind of strange for a guy.

I was starting to feel comfortable with him and I liked it. I hadn't lied to him which was different. Being honest wasn’t something I was use to except sometimes with my immediate family. When I didn't want to answer something, I'd say so and he'd change the subject or ask me something else.

"You owe me a beer for that…to get that taste out of my mouth." I said, just thinking about my dinner made me feel sick.

Also, it didn’t help that my co-workers had been staring our way the whole time we were there. I was starting to think Blake liked to see what really bugged me and what didn’t.

"A beer eh?" He asked.

"Yeah, a big one." I said looking out the window.

He was so quiet for a minute and I looked at him. The look I knew very well splashed across his face.

"Get your mind out of the gutter." I said with half a smile.

"Hey, you're the one who said 'mouth' and a 'big one', not me." He said with a big smile.

"Hum..." That would be great, the physical touch, the closeness, his hands touching every inch of my body, the urgency to be closer, his lips on lips on him…

"Who's mind is in the gutter now?" He asked.

I looked at him and he still had a huge smile on his face.

Busted, I thought to myself.

"There's nothing wrong with thinking. Thinking can be quite good, great at times." I said.

" We need to change the subject or else I'm just going to start speeding to get you to my place and do...a lot of dirty things to you. To keep the no sex rule, we need to change the subject right now." He said.

I smiled at that.

I was having some difficulties with that rule myself, every time I saw him, I checked him out. My eyes were glued to his body...his butt…his back…his shoulders...his arms...his hands...his chest…his face...even his legs and feet. I could undress him with my eyes. I had seen his naked body so many times I knew how amazing everything looked under his clothes. The worst, he knew I was doing it and I could tell he was doing the same thing right back to me.

I wasn't used to being around him without having sex. It was just what we did but now knowing him more personally, it was very different. I was starting to care and actually think about him when I wasn't with him. That never happened before. We'd have sex and once he'd fallen asleep, I'd leave. If I'd fall asleep, I'd leave first thing when I woke up. I didn't care…I just used him and then leave. I'd come back when I wanted him and do the same thing over and over again.

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