Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Driving to my parents’ house after spending the night at Blake's apartment, I couldn't stop smiling.

For the past few days, things were exciting.  Joey, Ian, Marc and Adam came over to Blake's apartment and we watched the hockey games.  Didn’t matter which teams were playing, if there was a game on, we’d watch it.

Ian kept telling me how much my team sucked, that they were the worse hockey team in the league but I didn't care.  My home team always had my heart, win or lose, it didn't matter to me.

I could actually start to see why Blake liked them so much.  They all had their personalities and were all so different.  I could tell that Marc and Ian were close.  They had their 'inside jokes' that only they understood while Adam just shook his head at them.  It was easy to see that Joey was close to Blake as well as Adam.  The way they spoke to each other was great to see.

I found it strange, never had lived it or anything close to that, but it was still fascinating.  I wished I had more friends like Blake but…

Blake was right when he said they were all very different but somehow they were all close to each other and made it work.

They told me stories of when they were in High School, how they all got together and became friends.  The pranks they played on each other and on the guys who were bullying Adam.

Adam wasn’t tall like Blake and wasn’t fit like Ian, he was short and skinny.  It was hard to accept that he was mistreated like he was in High School.  It made me angry because it didn’t matter what size the person was, big or small, it didn’t give people the right to torment others.

With every story they told me I laughed and smiled wishing I had friends like them growing up.  Lisa had more friends than me but the second they were rude or mean towards me she cut them loose.  She always protected me... just like the boys did with Adam.  I just wish I had more people like Lisa in my life.

I was getting closer to my parents house, going by familiar houses that I had passed many times before.  I hadn't spoken to both my parents in a few days.  I had a message from my mother this morning asking me to come over.  I was nervous, just thinking about the last time I had seen them and the tension in the room as I told my parents and Justin about my meeting with Jesse's son while Blake was holding my hand.

I pulled into their driveway and parked my car.  I hadn't called in advance and I was happily surprised when I saw Felix running out of the house coming towards me with a big smile on his face.

I opened my car door and Felix came to a halt blocking my way to get out of the car.

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