Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Waking up with the Sun in my eyes and pain in my back.

I stretched out but the pain didn't go away. My old room was now my parents new guest room.

I got up and made my way to the bathroom only to find that the door was closed. I knocked and hoped it was empty, that someone had just closed the door.

"Go away!" I heard Felix yell from inside the bathroom.

"I have to pee!" I yelled back.

"So! Go downstairs!" He yelled again.

I walked my way to the stairs and looked down. I hated basements. The dark and the cold, it made my stomach turn into knots.

I made my way down and turned on the lights. Even with the lights on, it didn't help my stomach.

I got to the bathroom and closed the door. I made sure to be as quick as I could. When I was done, I washed my hands and I was out of there.

I quickly made my way upstairs and walked towards the kitchen.

"You're awake." I said to my dad who was sitting at the table with his coffee in front of him and his head resting in his hands. 

His head jerked up quickly making me realize he was asleep.

"Sorry." I said feeling bad.

I remember when I was younger and I hadn’t known him for long, he always did the same thing each morning. Do coffee, bring a cup at the table and rest his head in his hands and fall back asleep. Either my mom or I would wake him up.

"Don't worry. There's coffee." He said with a small smile.

"You never were a morning person." I said laughing a bit.

"If I remember correctly, neither were you." He said.

"That's back is killing me." I said.

He gave me a look telling me to continue and to explain.

"I don't like your new mattress in my room...sorry guest room. It always hurts my back."

"It's always going to be your room. Nothing will ever change that. Yes, if we have guests that are sleeping over, we tell them they can use your room. We don't use the words guest room, only you do." He clarified. "You seem in a good mood though." He added.

"Nothing can wake me up better than to use the bathroom in the basement." I said sarcastically but mostly to myself.

"Yeah, you never liked going down there."

"Is mom still sleeping?" I asked, curious if she had talked to him.

"Yeah she’s still sleeping. It took her awhile to fall asleep. What was your walk about last night, if I'm allowed to ask?" He said.

"I'll let mom tell you."

"You can tell me anything. You know that don't you?" He asked.

"Yeah, I know. I think she needs to say it, for her. Maybe I can ask you a question regarding that subject?"

"Go for it." He said.

I could tell he was more alert than before. His focus was more on me instead of around me.

"It's about Jesse." I informed him.

The second I said his name, my dad sat up straight in his chair in full alert. "Okay."
"There are only three people I know who can answer this question, you, grandma and grandpa."

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