Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I was sitting on the couch with Lisa waiting for Blake and his friend Joey to pick me up.  I was ready, I took my shower when I woke up and my hair was straight like it always was. 

Lisa wanted to curl my hair but I refused.  Blake had never seen me with curly hair so I didn't see the point in doing it to meet his mother.  

I was wearing dark jeans, a black v-neck t-shirt and a jacket that was a green beige color.  I looked good...nice.  I was happy and this was definitely me.  All I needed to do when they arrived was to put my running shoes on and grab my purse.

My nerves were taking the better part of me.  The butterflies in my stomach were making me feel like I was about the throw up.  I wanted Blake's mom to like me, also I wanted his friend to like me as well.  I was regretting the fact that I told him it was fine for me to meet the two of them at the same time.  Just thinking about it made my anxiety worse.

"Stop fidgeting." Lisa told me.

"Sorry, I'm just..." I started to say but she finished the sentence for me.

"Nervous?" She asked and I nodded.  "Well, try to calm down.  Take deep breaths and stop fidgeting.  You're moving the whole freaking couch." She said.

"Sorry." I said again.

"You'll do fine.  If there's anything call me, if you need me to come and pick you up somewhere, I'll do it." She told me.

"Thanks.  Blake told me last night that if I feel like I need to leave, we'll leave.  I believe him.  He’s never lied to me before…or that I know of." I told her.

"Good.  I'm excited to meet him...finally." She said smiling at me while I laughed nervously.

I forgot about that, both of them meeting each other and both of them judging one another.  I just hoped it wouldn't be awkward.

"Just..." I started to say but not sure how to finish my sentence.

"I'll be nice Amanda.  You don't need to worry about that." She said which made me relax a bit.


Fifteen minutes later the doorbell rang.  Lisa and I both looked at each other and she just said, "Breathe."

I got up and went to the front door and opened it.

There stood Blake with a big smile on his face.

"Hi" I told him.

"Hey.  You look great." He said.

"Thanks, you too…  Come on in." I told him and then I saw his friend.

"Amanda this is Joey, Joey this is Amanda." Blake introduced us.

"It’s nice to finally meet you." Joey said.

I looked at Blake and he seemed a little embarrassed.

"He talks about you." Joey said and my eyes went big.  "No no, not bad things.  He just talks about you.  He says you're pretty great."

"Stop talking." I heard Blake said.

I looked at him and his face was red.  Yup, he was definitely embarrassed.

"Awe, don't be embarrassed, she talks about you too." I heard.  I turned around and there was Lisa, leaning on the wall, smiling at all of us.

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