Chapter 24 - Part 1

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Chapter 24 - Part 1

It's been two months since my dad's heart attack, he was still under his doctors care and taking his medications daily.  He was getting better every single day but our family biggest fear was that he'd have another one and that we'd lose him for good.

I was extremely surprised that my dad's parents were still around.  They ended up renting an apartment that was close by so that they could visit Justin and my father regularly.  They called every two days and always at the same time, my mother had informed me.

I asked her if it was annoying and her answer was always no.  She was glad that they were finally paying attention to the people that mattered.  It reminded all of us that no one knows how long we have in this life and that we shouldn't take anything or anyone for granted.

When my dad told me to go back to my regular life after he came home from the hospital, I wasn't sure what to do but I did as he asked.   I went back to work, spent time with Blake and had girls’ night with Lisa.  I always went home for our family dinners and Blake joined me most of the time.  I loved that my whole family liked him, it made things easier.

Since I was spending most of my time at Blake's, it was rare that I slept in my own bed at the apartment I shared with Lisa.  To my amazement, Blake and I were doing good and still going strong.  What surprised me most was that I hadn't messed up and for some reason he still wanted me around.

Blake had dinner with his mother several times and I went with him when I wasn't working.  Little by little his mother and I were getting to know each other and I felt like she was approving of the relationship I had with her son.

As for his friends, they'd show up at Blake's apartment sometimes without calling.  The only time it was really frustrating was when we were in the middle of being intimate.  Nothing ruins an orgasm like someone banging loudly on the front door, asking to let them in.  Other than that, I understood more and more why Blake liked them so much.  They were all pretty amazing guys and funny as hell when they were all around.

"What did the doctor say?  When can he go back to work?" Blake asked me as he was lying down with his head on my lap while I passed my fingers through his short hair.  

"Probably between two to four weeks." I answered while we were watching TV, just the two of us.  

"Would you still be with me if I had a beard like that?" He asked, with half a smile, after a few minutes of silence, talking about the men on TV.

The men, they had long and thick beards.  I loved the show, they could always make me laugh but I couldn't picture Blake with a beard like that. 

"I'd get you drunk and shave you while you'd be passed out...  You'd wake up the next morning looking like a bran new man." I said trying not to laugh but my stomach was moving giving me away.

He turned his head to really look at me, "That's not funny." he said and I just smiled at him.

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