Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I felt better waking up from my nap but I had to hurry, I didn't want to be late for work. Taking a very quick shower then I started to work on my hair and make-up.

At work, my make-up was simple, mascara and lip gloss. One of my co-workers suggested that I should put more make-up and do my hair a certain way and I'd get more tips. I just laughed. I wasn't going to waste my money on make-up only to wear it here.

The girls at work were nice but I always wondered what their lives were like outside of work.

Maybe one of them could be a friend, like Emily wants me to have, I thought. I know Emily would be pleased but she wanted me to open up to Blake, to open up to a man and not a woman.

I heard my cell phone beep again. I grabbed it and looked.

One missed call from Blake, and a new voice mail.

As I put my running shoes on and my jacket, I listen to his message over the speaker phone.

"I always get your voice mail... You didn't have to leave this morning, it would have been nice to wake up and see that you were still here...for a change. You know where to reach me."

I'll call him later after work...or something, I told myself.

On my way to work, I kept thinking of what Emily had said during our last session.

I always feel like what I want and what I'm doing is very different of what I should be doing.

I got in the parking lot and saw a spot to park my car.

Don't forget to check the paper for the oil change, I reminded myself. I couldn't forget, my dad would be worried and then both my parents would call none stop until it was done.

I walked into the diner and Maddy was already looking right at me with a big smile then started to walk my way.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi! How are you?" She asked more bubbly than usual.

"I'm fine, you? Were you waiting for me?"

"I'm good and yes I was. You already have a customer waiting for you." She said and her smile got bigger.

I looked over to my usual section and that's when I spotted Blake sitting in my section, in one of the booths.


I smiled at Maddy hoping she'd go away, "Thanks."

"He's been here at least 3 times in less than a month, and the food here isn't that great. He only wants to sit in your section." She said giggling. "He likes you, ask him out. That man is fine." She said, referring to his good looks.

"Um..." I tried to think of what to say. I didn't want to laugh in her face but I didn't want to tell her off so I did the only thing I could think of...I smiled.

Maddy seemed satisfied, she smiled back then left.

I went to the back of the diner, grabbed my time sheet and punched in. Placed my purse in my locker and hanged my jacket in our small closet. I stayed in my dark jeans and my black t-shirt. I put on my apron with the diner's logo and walked my way to the front.

I turned my head and saw Maddy and Rachel smiling at me and Rachel nudging her head in Blake's direction.

I smiled my fake smile at them while taking an order pad and a pen then made my way to Blake.

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