Being of Chaos meets Forced Destroyer

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     Discord from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic ends up being on vacation in one of the AUs Error visits or has to destroy and ends up experiencing the chocolate rain Discord made. This is before he is reformed and after he is freed from the statue and the main 6 retrieve the elements of harmony. He decides to escape to another dimension until things cool down. 

     He ends up in a dimension which is the dimension of one of the forced destroyer Undertale Multiverses in an AU. Error is pretty sure Discord does not belong in the AU and is confused. Error wonders if it would be acceptable to kidnap Discord and make him keep making chocolate rain for him. Then he remembered how he's forced into destroying everyday so the multiverse doesn't collapse. 

     So he asks Discord if he can kidnap him for a little bit so he can make it rain chocolate in his home. He also promises that he'll return him but before Discord can reply Ink ends up coming to the AU. He gives the usual speech about "I won't let you destroy this AU Error!" 

     Error begins to say he wasn't doing anything but is interrupted by Ink trying to attack him. He dodges with almost unusually practiced ease. 

     Then Discord actually takes a good look at Error. He sees all his scars and knows that having that many scars, in any dimension, is not usually good. He also saw how the black skeleton had some bones that had been previously broken and had ended up healing wrong. He also ended up observing the way the skeleton dressed in colorful and the black skeleton fought. 

     The black skeleton seemed to be called "Error" by the other. Error was mainly trying to dodge the other while they fought, while the other seemed to have every intent to hurt or injure Error. Every once in a while the white skeleton's attacks would hit Error. 

     The two skeletons argued about something. Error was trying to tell the other that he would be forced to keep destroying as long as the other kept creating. The other got really mad and caught Error off guard and ended up breaking Error's arm. Once that happened Discord decided to step in. 

     Ink was about to send some more paint attacks towards Error but Discord just turned the attacks to bubbles. Ink was confused but once he looked back to where Error was, he was gone. 

     Discord wasn't entirely sure why he helped Error. A good portion of it was pity. But maybe it was also because it seemed Error was hated to, even if to a more extreme degree. 

     When Error woke he was confused on why Discord would help him. Discord shrugs or whatever his reaction would be. Eventually, they start to grow closer and possibly become friends. 

     He got jealous when he discovered Blue was also friends with Error but Discord found Blue pretty fun to get a long with. He also ended up meeting the gang. Their backstories were very dark. 

     As he learned more about the multiverse the more he would come to despise Ink. 

     He learns the value of relationships such as friendship and found family through the creatures, err... Monsters, he meets. 

     Discord starts off as selfish but progresses throughout the story. He starts to see the value in connections. 

     And that's about all the ideas for this that I have. Feel free to adopt this. Just let me know what the story's called when you post it. I'd like to read it. 

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