Reaper Sans Addams

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Author's Note: This is going to be in my one-shots story called Looks Into Alternate Worlds. Umm... I might make this into a longer story one day, if I ever feel like it. Regardless, thank you for reading.

     The Addams family is unlike most families. Each SOUL from the family that he's reaped, has greeted him and gone without a fuss.

     When he says each he means it.
     The Addams celebrate death in a way he's rarely, if ever, seen. They throw parties for funerals, they don't avoid talk of death, and so much more.

     Despite the apparent morbidity, they are overall a happy family, he comes to learn through starting to observe them outside his job.

     He wondered how they could possibly see so much good in death, in him.

     He noticed how, many times, they didn't die were a normal person would have. When he saw he had to check his list of SOULs he needed to reap and head back to Reapertale just to check that there wasn't a mistake. Turned out, the Addams were just like that. They could still die, just most of them had abnormally high resistances to some things. Either that, they were extremely lucky, or both.

     Most likely both.

     Regardless, it was truly a wonder. They saw so much beauty in death, where his views were more pessimistic.

     Deep down, he wanted to understand that. He wanted to reach out and grab that feeling for himself. So, he watched. He observed. He started to root for them.

     Reaper may not always like his job... But he appreciated this family who seemed they could like it more than he ever could.

     The SOULs he reaped from the family started to greet him as an old friend.

     It felt like he was an old friend, in a way. He had been watching them for a long time.

     Some of the SOULs tried to fight him, but 'all in good fun' according to said SOULs.

     Eventually, one of the family addressed him.

     "Is it my time?" A little girl with dark braids turned to him.

     He blinked in surprise, before laughing softly. He should have expected this, with all the families oddities.

     "Not yet, just observing. You have a killer family." He winked.

     The girl stared at him, seemingly lost in thought for a few seconds before refocusing her gaze on him.

     "Follow me" She demanded.

     "Wait-" He tried to protest, but she grabbed his hand.

     He froze as she began to drag him.

     That was why he didn't get too close to anyone. His touch will kill this little girl. He sighed, disappointed. He wished he could have seen this one grow up.

     Then, he notices. She wasn't dying. She wasn't dying!

     Suddenly, they came to a stop. They were in a greenhouse.

     He nearly stumbled over in surprise.

     "Mother" the girl began

     One of the Addams, Morticia, paused in the middle of snipping the buds off roses.

     "Yes, Wednesday?"

     "Someone's visiting." She answered.

     Morticia looked at Reaper and smiled.

     "Well, let's entertain our guest, shall we?"

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