Don't Write Revivebooks from Memory

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Author's Note: This is a DSMP crack AU that can be treated seriously. Well, Wilbur did canonically have a fox baby with a salmon, so canon has some crack in there too.

     Dream is forced to become a good person by having to raise &/or take care of kids.

     Dream burns the revivebook earlier, not giving himself as much time to memorize it. He decides to try to revive Wilbur. Of course that means that he has to rewrite the book so that he can burn it.

     Reviving Wilbur doesn't seem to work so Dream is like Was all of it for nothing? But actually, he ends up preg somehow, which he doesn't discover until later, and it turns out that revival is weirder than expected. Mostly because he did the spell wrong.

     Dream decided it was a good idea to rewrite the revivebook from memory and f*cked it up.

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