Platonic Poth

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Author's Note: I will put this in my other story Looks into Alternate Worlds. Sorry if this seems a bit short. 

     There were many multiverses and AUs where Goth and Palette got together.

     That was not this one.

     They didn't love each other like that, not that they didn't love each other at all. For they, like many Goths and Palettes, cared deeply for one another, regardless of whether it was romantic or not.

     They were best friends.

     ...Which made it kind of awkward when people kept seeing them as a couple. Then they say that they are just friends just to be ignored.

     Them being friends was fine before, what changed? Was it because they were getting older?

     They weren't even adults yet!

     They just want to hang out without people insisting on them being something more, even when they state otherwise.

     ...It's really uncomfortable.

     And no Ink, just because the creators say that other versions of them are together that does not mean all Palettes and Goths are.

     Palette is your literal child Ink, don't ship him with people.

     Other than that, they are rather happy with the way things are.

     Case in point, they're best friends your honor.

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