Wanna Get Married? Sure

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     "I have an idea; we should get married!" Ink asks him. 

     "Now why would I want to do that?" Nightmare asks. 

     "I mean- You want to rule the multiverse, right?" Ink tilts his head. 

     "...Yes." Nightmare answers. 

     "And you have to get not just power but reputation" Ink continues. 

     Nightmare narrows his eye "What are you-"

     "What could increase your reputation then marrying the protector of AUs?" Ink cuts Nightmare off. 

     Nightmare looks Ink up and down, trying to assess his intentions. 

     "What's in it for you?" Nightmare poses the question. 

     Ink grins "It'd screw with people. Imagine their reactions- Ha!" 

     Nightmare takes another assessing look at Ink. 

     "Sure, why not. Just try not to be insufferable." Nightmare gladly takes the opportunity to screw with the AUs. 

     At first it's a political (sort of) marriage but then it becomes a queer platonic relationship. 

     I'll likely make this it's own story. 

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