FGoD Dream is a Simp

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     In FGoD stories Dream follows Ink usually barely, if not entirely, without question. 

     Some interpret this as him being dumb, which some of these Dreams are, but there are plenty of these stories where Dream likes Ink as well. Sometimes Dream will deny the truth of the multiverse in front of him, even when presented with evidence otherwise. He desperately wants to trust Ink. So he allows himself to be ignorant. And/or he is so blinded by his crush it makes him dumb. 

     So I propose an FGoD AU where Dream is a simp. Like straight up a simp. Maybe even making fanfiction about himself and Ink getting together. Whether it be with characters with similar sounding names to Ink and himself or just, straight up, using his and Ink's names. 

     Imagine Nightmare finds it and starts reading and Dream walks in and Nightmare is like "..." Dream is mortified. 

     I don't know. Meh. Just an idea. 

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