90s Dream

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     You know how Dream was turned to stone for 500 years, if my memory is correct? Well, imagine Fresh found him as he was released from his stone prison and decided to help update his lingo to be more up with the times.

     Fresh teaches Dream his own lingo really, but still.

     People try to give Dream other words but the 90s lingo sticks the most.

     Dream is just vibing because according to Fresh, "Ya deserve a break afta' all dat stone business and villager drama" Dream at first barely knows how to chill but he learns.

     Dream comes to think that 90s lingo is pretty cool and searches more about it. He also uses some of the older words and phrases when he can't remember or think of a 90s term.

     Dream decides to keep out of the multiverse drama and does what he wants. He's trying to block out those unrad thoughts about others' happiness being his responsibility. The multiverse lasted 500 years, it could last 500 or so more.

     Sometimes he'll still help people, though he's not trying to do it to his own detriment anymore.

     I might come up for concept art for this Dream.

     Another idea: Fresh finds Dream and does all the stuff, but Dream looks into old movements and discovers the hippie movement.

     Boom! Dream becomes a hippie.

     That's just another possibility though.

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