Second Chance

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     After the prison and I think the entire SMP is nuked, Dream, Tommy, Jack, and Tubbo are all reincarnated. Who are they reincarnated as? I have some ideas. 

     They could be reincarnated as themselves in another universe, like a modern AU, hero/vigilante/villain AU, or any other AU you wish. Dream wished things could go back to how they were? He missed his friends? Tommy missed his friends? He missed the past too? Dream, Tommy, Jack, and Tubbo get a second chance. 

     You can decide how much they remember, or if they remember at all. I feel like they'd retain some things from their past lives though. Maybe small feelings or anxieties about certain things. Tubbo could hate/fear fireworks and be at least somewhat paranoid and protective. Tommy could be anxious about explosions and fireworks and sensitive to pain. 

      Dream could be wary about authority figures with power over him(like Sam and Quackity), and have some self destructive habits. Like, you cannot tell me that him swimming in lava was not a form of self harm. He also had to have some form of Stockholm syndrome with the prison. He called the prison his "home" multiple times after breaking out and returning. I also think he would have violent and occasional overreactive tendencies. 

     Dream's mental health was not doing well in the prison, before or during the torture, nor was it doing well after prison. Let's not forget him likely having issues with control still. I headcanon C!Dream(canon Dream) loves cats. He loved the cat that got into the cell with him and Tommy, until Tommy killed it because Dream admitted he had an attachment to it. Tommy and Dream should have never been allowed near each other while Dream was in prison. 

      But we're not here today to discuss Tommy and Dream usually bringing out the worst in one another. 

     Jack would likely not like fireworks or explosions either. I don't know enough about Jack's character to give much more input on how he'd be. 

     Tommy would linger around edges too often for anyone who noticed and cared's comfort. Tommy would still make jokes and stuff still. Cause if you've watched the streams, you know how Tommy is. 

     Tubbo would threaten anyone who compromises his or those he cares for's safety, and find a way to make good on it. Tubbo's smart. 

     Have fun writing! 

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