Ink tries drugs

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     Ink decides to see if anything other than his vials can make him feel things. It's weird and trippy, but he's not sure it effected him emotionally, so he tries again another time when not on his vials. It certainly affects him physically, but he's not sure it's working. So next time, he tries harder drugs. He doesn't bother worrying about the side effects, since he usually experiments while his emotions are gone. 

    He then tries to see what would happen if he took his vials right after he took the drugs. Then right before, though with his emotions he hesitates, then shrugs and does it anyway since he seemed fine. He was not fine, or he at least wouldn't be anytime soon. 

     He eventually starts experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not taking drugs. He becomes an addict. 

     Angsty idea? Yeah. Possibility for crack? Mix that with the angst and that'd be interesting. Mostly angst though. 

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