You're Acting Like Twins!

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     Leonardo and Donatello, the Rise variants, are reborn as Bakugou and Midoriya. To be specific, Leo is reborn as Bakugou Katsuki while Donnie is reborn as Midoriya Izuku. 

     When Donnie learns of his quirklessness he's annoyed(and maybe a little insecure) that he has to cover up and work around his own weaknesses again. Leo notices something's off and says that he believes in him when others start looking down on Donnie. 

    Donnie studies quirks obsessively in an attempt to understand them. Starting with notebooks until he can find enough junk to make his own computer and digitize everything. When his new parental figure finds out, she showers him with the praise he's always craved from a parent aged adult. That also happens to be when he accepts her as his mother. He did not burst into tears, no matter what Leo says. We'll never know. 

     I'm still deciding on whether they will keep their "mystic mojo" or will be able to access their abilities even if they do keep it. If they do keep access to their abilities, the conversation would go something like this; 

     Donnie will go "I suppose it's not as biological as I thought, though I did theorize that it wasn't entirely biological, more so spiritual, due to the fact that April was able to use" 

     "So what I'm getting from this" Leo interrupted, ignoring Donnie's "Audible groan" "Is that we have the same awesome powers we had before" 

     "...If you want to simplify it, then yes." Donnie grumbled. 

     Leo gave a sharp grin, Donnie's eyes narrowing at the action "Wait. Where are you going with" 

     "Then that means that it's possible to get back to New York." 

     Donnie looked at Leo blankly. 

     Leo groaned "I mean our New York." 

     Donnie processed that for a moment, and thought out the possibilities. "Holy Galileo that might actually work." 

     Leo's grin came back, then fell as Donnie continued. 

     "even if the likelihood of that happening is below ten percent. 

     "Hey I don't see you" 

     "How did you think of this before me?" Donnie interrupted. 

     "Maybe your smart germs rubbed off on me." Leo joked. 

     "All germs rub off on you, and stay there. Do you even wash your hands? Lastly, even you know that's not how it works. Annoyed scoff." 

     "...Do I?" 

     Donnie wasn't even going to dignify that with a response. Definitely not because he wasn't sure whether Leo was being serious or not. It's best to assume he was joking. 

     "All right, all right. You win." Leo admitted. 

     "Aha! I knew it! Victorious grin" it seemed that Donnie had assessed correctly. 

    I love writing this a lot, so I may end up turning this into a full story. I am very happy. 

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