Becoming A Cat Doesn't Rid Me Of Haphephobia

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     Error is turned into cat and yeet into BNHA/MHA(Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia) universe. It can be Forced God Of Destruction or any Error you want. Here's my take on my idea. I'm also adding a longer version to my one-shots story called Looks Into Alternate Worlds. 

     Just because Error is a cat now doesn't mean that he wants to be touched by random people! What part of being a cat means that he would ever want that?! No wonder so many cats were feral if they had to live like this! 

     Now he almost feels bad for those cats he picked up who were clawing and biting to get out of his arms. He just wanted to see what they felt like! He also wanted to see if his haphephobia would act up while holding them... 

     Now though... He understands their struggle. Though the cats he picked up settled down eventually. ....He was pretty sure the cats settling down was actually them tiring themselves out. 

     Well, just because he understands now doesn't mean that he feels guilty. The cats were fine afterwards anyway. He even dropped them off at a shelter! 

     ...Where was he again? 

     "Little Ru ru became a kitty!" 

     "D-dOn't C-cAlL Me tHaT!!!" He shouted at the voice. Well, he tried to. 

     Sadly, only the voices understood him now. To those around them, gravelly yowls could be heard from the alley that Error had wandered into. 

     "Poor Error..." a voice said. 


     "Don't laugh! We need to figure out how to get out of-" 

     "I actually like Error as a cat. Love you Error!" A voice interrupted. 

     Error stared disappointedly as only a cat could. 

     Error was looking away from the voices. 

     "Error used stare! ...It wasn't very effective" 

     Error growled. 

     "Awww!!!! He's so cute!" 

     The bang sounded down the alley, raising Error's fur and making him hunch his back. 

     "What was that" 

     "Ooh! What was that?!" 

     "Leave it be" 

     "Can we see what it is Error?!" 

     "Did you not hear me? Let it be" 

     "Let's go check it out!" 

     "C'mon Error pleeeeeaaaase!" 

     Error squeezed his eyes shut at the voices' bombardment of questions and suggestions. 

     "Y-YoU K-kNoW WhAt?! FiNe! BuT I-iF sOmEtHinG gOeS w-WrOnG iT's On Y-yoU!" Error snapped. 


     "Ugh! Don't say I didn't say we should leave it be" 



     Error cautiously approached the direction he heard the bang from, hesitating when more bangs would sound out. 

     Eventually, he saw what the commotion was about. Some edgy guy(like seriously how the heck did this guy manage to look edgier than abomination 13?) was beating up some plain looking guy. 

     "Fight! Fight Fight!" 

     "Error this is boring I regret this already" 

     "How is a fight boring?" 

     "Fight fight fight!" 

     "Seen better." 

     Error had also seen better. 

     Suddenly, some hobo looking guy an all black except for a grey scarf and bright yellow goggles jumped the edgier boring guy. Suddenly, it was more interesting. 

     They fight for a good minute, hobo goggles ninja actually putting up a fight unlike the plain one. 

     After a minute plain boring guy tried to run but was cut off by the edgy looking guy summoning lightning in the way of escape. 

     "Guess this place has magic" a voice commented. 

     "Wait is that" 

      "Fight fight fight!" 

     The lightning cut off when hobo goggles ninja glared at edgy boring guy, hair raising. 

     "Get out of here and call the police" Hobo ninja tells plain guy, restraining the edgy boring guy with his scarf. 

     Plain guy jerkily nods and runs away. 

     "Aizawa!" A voice cheers. 

     "Wait wha" 

     "Are we seriously isekaied right now?" 

      "No no no no no" 

     "YES! I've always wanted to be a protagonist" 

     "Error's a cat and you're a voice. You can't be the protag" 

     Hobo ninja keeps a hold on the edgy guy, even as he struggles. Error hides behind some trash cans when he starts to hear sirens, not eager for more people to try touching him. 

     He watches as edgy guy is handcuffed and handed to the police of this AU. 

     The police leave and Error decides it's his turn to leave as well. Then he knocks one of the trash cans over by mistake, attracting the attention of the hobo ninja with goggles. He freezes as the other turns toward him. Both his fur and the ninja's hair are raised. 

     It's too late, he's already been seen. He hears one of the voices swear. 

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