Don't Let Me Go Hungry

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Author's Note: This is rather dark idea I have came up with. 

     There was a mistake. Something deeply wrong with the so called creator. It clawed at him from the inside. 

    Whatever it was, it made him dizzy and nauseous except for when not moving. Even then there was a near constant pain where the skeleton's stomach would be, if he had one. It made him irritable sometimes, but he was used to it. He would just take less of the red vial. 

     ...No matter how many of his vials he didn't take, it didn't erase the feeling clawing him inside out. 

     Eating helped with the feeling, for a short time. Even then, food didn't always cut it. His body would reject most anything but a small amount of food. 

     The feeling tore at him from inside. 

     He tried working up to larger amounts of food, but it didn't work. Something was wrong with him. 

     The pain in his nonexistent stomach made it hard to think part of the time. 

     Eventually, he figures out its hunger he's feeling. He didn't know it was hunger, he just thought that was a normal feeling, but apparently it wasn't. Though, that didn't explain how food didn't help as much as it should have. His body made him sick. 

     He never really told anyone his findings. It felt almost unbelievable, even to him. 

     ...The hunger grew. It buried rational thought. He grew snappish, only noticed by those he let close. Blue was the first to notice, of course he was. Then Dream started to notice. 

    The creator shut everyone out. 

     Eventually, he grows desperate and eats someone. He resorts to cannibalism and, somehow, it helps the hunger. 

     He can't let anyone find out. So he starts to make copies of AUs just to... Eat the residents. Hopefully them being copies eases the guilt. It's hard to feel guilt if you let yourself starve though. 

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