An Error In Undertale

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Author's Note: This is in my story Looks Into Alternate Worlds as well. I made it a while ago but decided it also belongs here. I might just adopt this, my own idea, myself, though I'd love to see what anyone else comes up with.

Fate made a mistake...

You see, this Fate decides that taking Geno to make into the destroyer is a great idea.

Now, you may be wondering how this is any different than plenty of other Fates?

Aftertale is not it's own AU split off from the Original AU, Undertale, in this multiverse.

The save screen is part of Undertale in this multiverse.

Geno, is a part of the original AU.

Geno's SOUL is part of Sans', the original Sans' SOUL.

...I assume if you know anything about the state of most forced destroyer SOULs...

You'll figure out why this is so bad.

...Do you still not understand?

If Geno is turned into Error, his SOUL is a part of Sans', and that the connection to the pieces is not severed...

It's going to affect Classic.

It's going to affect the original.

...Sans doesn't know what's wrong with his SOUL.

He doesn't know why this is happening, why his SOUL is slowly cracking.

He just knows Geno is missing.

His HP is starting to glitch.

...This can't end well.

...Can there be any hope?




...And... If Classic Sans goes, what happens to everyone else? 

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