For the Best, Whether He Likes It or Not

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Author's Note: I might make this a full story for myself.

     Blue learns of Ink's SOULlessness and all the problems that it causes him.

     After thinking about it, he comes to a conclusion. If Ink's problems are caused by him being SOULless, he needs a SOUL.

     But how could he get a SOUL for Ink?


     There are SOULs in the Antivoid aren't there?

     Nah, they were there for a reason.


     He gasps as a thought hits him.

     But- But no! He can't! He shakes his head at the very thought.

     He can't just-

     He can't just give Ink his SOUL!

     But... It would solve so much.

     ...He needs to think about this.

     But he is thinking about this!

     ...He comes to a decision.

     Ink wouldn't agree but... It's for the best. Whether he likes it or not.

Author's Note: Ink surely will handle this well, especially after getting emotions from a SOUL! /sarcastic? Thanks for reading.

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