Fresh Asexual

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     Fresh never cared about nor needed procreation. He just wanted to be his rad self and survive the crazy mess that was the multiverse. He never had intimate relations with any other, monster or human. So imagine his surprise when he discovered he was pregnant. 

     It shouldn't have been possible, but it was happening. He was a parasite who never did anything to have and never expected children. So he started looking for answers. 

     Eventually, he found someone to explain how this was possible. It was a Sci copy that wouldn't be missed, since Fresh would need to disclose what exactly he was to get a more accurate answer. 

     Apparently, Fresh could create a miniature of himself that would grow to be just like him. The process was called asexual reproduction. But he still didn't know something. 

     If Fresh was always capable of this, why only now? 

     He wouldn't discover the answer from the Sci copy's dust, but it was already risky enough outright telling his secret to someone. Seemed Fresh would need to go solo with his research. 

     He needed to know how this would affect him. He needed to know if his offspring would be a rad dude, or a risk to himself needed to be cut out. And... If it was a risk, would a parasite like himself be willing to put his survival on the line? 

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