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Aaliyah's POV

"Hey" I said making Kelly look up at me "hi" she said looking down at her papers again. I stepped into her office and closed the door behind me.

It's 9pm. She's been here for more than 12 hours. I bought her dinner so she can take a little break and I know she doesn't eat unless someone offers her food, like she just doesn't ask for it and it is very rare if she does. So I decided to be a good amazing wife and bring her some food.

"I brought you some food" I said and she gave that absolutely no attention and just kept working.

"Give me a second" she dryly said. I placed the food down on the table and stood behind her, placing my hands on her shoulders "take a break baby" I said kissing her head.

She sighed and sat back on the chair, placing her head back and looking up at me. I leaned down and kissed her lips softly "you look so tired" I said rubbing her chin gently "I am so tired"

Kelly turned her chair around and wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug. I played with her hair and placed a kiss on her head "let's eat" I said and she nodded, pulling back from the hug.

I sat down on her lap and took the food "I got you some Alfredo pasta that you are gonna share with me of course.." I said making her laugh a little. She placed her head on my shoulder "..and got myself some pink pasta"

I started feeding her since she seemed too tired to even do anything. We both ate and I kept gently playing with her hair, seeing her eyes slowly close as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"How about we go back home baby? You're tired" I said. She kissed my shoulder and nodded "okay"

We stood up and I took her car keys "you're not driving" she said trying to take the keys from me but I didn't let her "I am"

"I don't wanna exhaust you" she said. I laughed and kissed her nose "it's not like I'm pushing the car. It's not gonna exhaust me"


I woke up with Kelly cuddling into me. Her head is in my neck and her arms were wrapped around me. She looks so adorable right now.

I kept playing with her hair and didn't want to wake her up because this is the first time she's actually cuddling into me like this. It's definitely a moment I never want to end.

I know how much she was hurt in the past and her being like this with me makes me really happy because it means she's feeling something real for me.

That just makes me really happy.

She makes me really happy.

After what happened with my ex, I was terrified and just stayed alarmed all the time in case he shows up again but Kelly was always there to hold me and make me feel safe.

I even stopped thinking about him and what he did a few days after it happened because I was so fucking busy thinking about Kelly and how amazing she is to me.

What we have right now feels too good to be true but I'm trying to stay as positive as possible so I don't drive myself insane.

I heard Kelly let out a small groan so I looked down at her smiling, seeing her slowly opening her eyes and looking up at me.

A smile formed on her face as she closed her eyes again because of the sun hurting her eyes.

"That was the best sleep of my life" she said making me laugh. I placed my lips on hers for a soft gentle kiss.

She placed her head on my chest "aren't you supposed to be at your friend's house?" She asked rubbing my stomach "oh shit I forgot"

She laughed and laid on her back next to me so I can get up.

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