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A/N:this chapter is like after a few months soooo

Aaliyah's POV

"I'm so excited for this" I said making Kelly laugh as we walked towards the yacht "you're cute" she said kissing the side of my head.

My mouth hung open at the beautiful ass yacht "oh my god, I'm literally so lucky to have you" I said pecking her lips making her smile "come on, let's get on it"

We got on the yacht and I looked around in amusement. I went on a yacht before but I never payed attention to the beauty of it because I was just upset because the people my parents want me to 'seduce' or 'have sex with' are always here and it's almost always crowded.

Having it quiet, pretty lights, no people and just Kelly. Absolute perfection.

"What do you think?" Kelly asked placing her hand on my lower back "I love it. It's just perfect" I said placing my hand over hers as she held eye contact with me "you're perfect" I couldn't help but blush stupidly at what she said.

"That's like really corny" I said making her laugh "shut up"

We met the pilot or captain whatever he's called, and some of the people who worked here then the yacht started moving. We were sitting at the back of the yacht, talking and having fun.

"You want some champagne?" Kelly asked and I nodded my head "I'd love some" she kissed my cheek and stood up, going to the table that had drinks on it and poured some champagne for the both of us.

She came back to me and sat down even closer than she was before she went to get the champagne.

Kelly was holding the glass of champagne in one hand as she placed her arm on the seat behind me.

I smiled when I saw her looking at me "you look amazing" she said making me smile "thank you baby"

When I tell you, Kelly is looking so sexy right now I mean it. Her hair looks so perfect, the first few buttons of her button up shirt opened, her black dress pants, the rings and the golden chain around her neck.

She called me when she was at work, telling me to get ready and that she has a surprise for me. She came back home, took her jacket and tie off then did a clean messy look if that makes sense then we left.

"Let me take that" she said about the empty glass in my hand then stood up to go place it on the table. She came back to me and wrapped her arm around my waist, pulling me closer to her.

I leaned in to kiss her softly with a huge smile on my face "you smell amazing" I said after pulling back from the kiss "thanks" she said laughing "yeah of course" I leaned in again and placed my lips on hers.

We started making out as her hand gripped my waist. I started kissing down to her neck and gently sucked on it, making her let out a quiet moan.

I backed away after a bit and looked at her neck, biting my bottom lip gently "that looks sexy" I said pointing to the marks I made on her neck. She smiled and pecked my lips "I'm loving my birthday so far" I said. It wasn't actually my birthday yet, it's in a few hours but still.

"This is nothing compared to the rest of the surprises I have for you" she said pulling me closer to her "I told you I didn't want you to do big things. You being with me is enough" I said playing with her hair gently "shut up and let me spoil you"

"That kinda turned me on not gonna lie" I said making her laugh.

She has the most precious laugh ever. And her tiny little dimple that's on one cheek only. It's so adorable.

"The food is ready misses Salazar" one of the workers said and Kelly nodded, standing up and putting her hand out for me to hold "my beautiful woman" she said making me smile and hold her hand.

We walked inside and saw this very romantic setting for a little dinner date. Roses, candles and a very delicious smell.

She took me towards one of the chairs and pulled it out "look at you being all romantic and cute" I said after I sat down and she pushed my chair in a little. She laughed and kissed my head "anything for you"

Then she made her way to her chair and sat down, looking at me with a smile on her face "you look so beautiful right now" I said making her blush and look away from me "you're cute" I added tilting my head to the side a little, smiling widely at the way she got shy.

"You're the first person to ever...compliment me like that" she said which made me feel kind of bad that she was treated badly in the past but it doesn't matter anymore because I'm going to be the best girlfriend to her.

I reached out for her hand over the table "get used to it cause you're gonna hear it a lot"


"I'm gonna pass out from how much I ate, I feel like my dress is literally suffocating me" I said as we sat on the couch. She laughed and played with my hair "is there like a room here? I really wanna take this dress off" I said and she nodded "of course there is, come on"

We interlocked our fingers together and she took me to the room. She opened the door and let me step in before her.

She got in behind me and closed the door as I kicked my heels off. I looked around the room to see roses spread on the bed, a little alcohol section and dimmed romantic lights.

"Can you unzip it for me?" I asked and she nodded her head walking towards me. I turned around and moved my hair to the front so she can unzip my dress which she did. I took it off and threw it somewhere on the ground "oh my god I can breathe. Thank the lord" I said dramatically making Kelly laugh.

I looked at her and held her from her shirt, pulling her closer to me "let me take this off for you, yeah?" She smiled and nodded. I started unbuttoning her shirt and took it off for her, throwing it next to my dress.

She started taking her belt off which she did very smoothly "pour us some drinks, will you?" I nodded my head and stopped looking down at her pants, looking back into her eyes "yeah of course"

I went to pour us some drinks and took a quick glance at her to see her throwing her pants on the ground. This woman gets sexier every second.

"Like what you see?" She asked when she got closer to me. I turned to fully face her and rested back on the table "very very much" I said making her smile and hold my waist, pulling me closer to her.

"Let's drink" I said when she leaned in wanting to kiss me just to tease her "fuck you" she said making me laugh. I handed her the drink and took mine as well.

She took a sip from this then made a disgusted face "what the fuck is this shit?" She asked and I laughed, shrugging "I have absolutely no idea"

"Does not taste good so.." she walked towards one of the cabinets in the room and pulled out a bottle of tequila "..our savior" she said making me place the glass I had in my hand down and go towards her "I fucking love you" I said kissing her lips. She laughed "all that for a bottle of tequila, damn"

We sat down on the very comfortable couch and kept taking sips of tequila straight from the bottle.

"Okay let's play a little fun game.. truth or dare" I said and she nodded, taking another sip from her drink "truth or dare, beautiful?" She asked giving me the bottle "dare"

"I dare you to sit on my lap and make out with me right now" she said. I smiled and placed the bottle on the coffee table "gladly"

I straddled her lap and we started aggressively making out. I pulled back after a bit and looked at her to see her breathing heavily. She put her head back on the couch and gripped my thigh harshly then moved her hand to my ass.

She had a very obvious boner that was clearly annoying her "truth or dare" I asked her still in her lap "dare" she said "feeling bold aren't we?" I said jokingly making her laugh and move under me a little.

"I dare you to not touch me for the rest of the game" her eyes widened as I took her hands off me "that is pure evil"

We kept playing for a bit and we just genuinely got to know more about each other.

I guess drinking and sitting half naked with the love of your life is a very amazing bonding experience.

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