Chapter 89 (Missed My Shot Again)

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After I told the dogs to go do what they needed, I set Sakura on the ground and kept an eye on her. The air was nice, not too cold and not too hot. Once each animal was finished, I picked up what I needed to and threw it away. I love my dogs to death, but it doesn't make cleaning up after them any less disgusting. "Note to self, get a shovel for school."

"Why do you need a shovel?" I jumped, squishing Sakura to my chest.

"Dammit! You scared me, Katsuki." I took a moment to calm my heart. "I need a shovel because my dogs have such huge shits." I laughed at the look of disgust on his face. "Look, I don't know about you, but I'm tired. And I still need to get these guys settled in." Being careful not to touch him with my hands, I kissed his cheek. "But now, I'll get to see you more."

(Missed my shot again.) I watched Kita walk back into the dorms. (She really is something else.) How the hell is it so difficult to get a kiss? I've wanted to hold and kiss her for a while now, since the training camp. When raccoon eyes yelled about Kita liking me, I didn't know what to think. Except 'idiot'. But I began seeing her differently after that, noticing small things about her. How much she adores animals, especially ones that are big and fluffy. She likes the rain and the night sky. She cares about everyone with her whole being. She manages to bring out a side of me that I thought I got rid of a long time ago. I can't help myself, she's amazing. Strong, smart, headstrong, and hotheaded. Not to mention foul-mouthed. But I love it, all of it.

I awoke the next morning to a kitten on my face. "So now you're trying to smother me too?" I picked her up and set her on the bed next to me. The clock on my nightstand read 4:30. "I'm not going to be able to get back to sleep. Time to get up." Standing, I grabbed Sakura and put her on my shoulder. "Alright, babies, potty time." The dogs jumped up and waited by the door.

This morning was a little chillier than last night, but not by much. I hummed a little tune and smiled at nothing in particular. "Shit, I left the bags." I turned around to be met with four bags in my face.

"I saw these on the table and figured you had forgotten them." I smiled and accepted the bags from him.

"Thank you, Katsuki. But what are doing up so early?" I went to pick up what needed to be, but he grabbed my wrist. "Hm? What's wrong?" I noticed his gaze go from my eyes to my lips, so I stroked his cheek. "I'll spend some time with you after school, I promise." When he rested his forehead against mine, I leaned up and kissed the side of his lips.

"Tch. Whatever."

-Time Skip-

"As I said, yesterday, our primary goal now is to get you your provisional licenses. Hero licenses are inextricably tied to the saving of lives. So one must be properly qualified for such a heavy responsibility. The test is extremely difficult and even for provisional licenses, we only see an average of a 50% success rate. That's why, starting today, each of you needs to come up with at least two..."


"ULTIMATE MOVES!!" When the classroom door slammed open, I about near jumped out of my skin.

"Ultimate moves! These are your finishers. Your most unique tequniques!" Ectoplasm spoke in front of the class.

I giggled and Uncle Shota groaned. "Yes, Kita, it rhymes."

Cementoss shook his head. "Anyway, internalize the moves. Make them your own until they are unparalleled. Combat is all about finding and making use of your particular strengths."

"Your moves symbolize who you are! Nowadays heroes without ultimate moves are a dying breed." The rated r hero seemed way too excited to say that.

"Let's move forward with a more detailed explanation and a practical demonstration. Change into your costumes. And meet us at gym gamma."

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