Chapter 104 (If You Want To Know More)

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Kirishima went back to class, while I stayed in my tree. After a bit, I spotted the Big 3 walking by. Suddenly Togata senpai stopped and just stood there for a moment, the other two stopped as well. (Does he know I'm up here?)

"Planning to ambush us?"

"I'm not strong enough to take on Yuuei's top three students by myself. This is where I go to get away from everything. When I'm overwhelmed, stressed, scared, confused, angry, etc..."

"How did you get all the way up there?"

"I've been climbing trees for as long as I can remember." I took a deep breath and began to climb down. "I want to apologize for earlier. I didn't mean to hurt Hado senpai. My dad tells me I'm headstrong and hotheaded with a foul mouth, and I can't say I disagree." I jumped down and landed gracefully in front of the three upperclassmen. "The hero killer is just a very sensitive topic for me and Kiyohime has no patience, not to mention a nasty temper as well."

"Kiyohime? Is that who the other voice belonged to?"

"Yes, if you'd like to know more, then ask my dad. Broccoli might even have something about my mom in those journals of his."

-Time Skip-

The moment I entered the dorm, I was knocked on my ass; then three furry faces and wet noses were shoved in my face. "Cut it out you three. That tickles."

"Kita!" Jiro, Ida, and Kirishima each struggled to pull a dog off me while Mina helped me to my feet.

"We were really worried about you, girl. Are-- Awww! How cute!" Mina was interrupted by someone swooping me up in their arms, she didn't seem mad though. I immediately curled closer to the person holding me. I didn't even need to see their face or hear their voice. I knew who it was by their smell.

"Hi, Katsuki."

"Hey, beast girl."

"Can I go to sleep?" I was already getting sleepy in his arms.

"You have to eat and get ready for bed first."


-Time Skip-

Curled up in my boyfriend's bed, I nuzzled my head underneath his chin and intertwined our legs. He had both arms around me, one hand on my lower back and the other ran fingers through my hair. "Did you get enough to eat?"

"Mmhm." His body smelled like warm caramel and honey. (I'm not usually fond of sweet smells like this, but somehow I'm okay with it on him.) During hero training, when he's all sweaty, he smells like burnt caramel. That's even less pleasant than most sweet smells.

"Hey, will you sing something?"

Kita pulled away from me. "Um, sure."

~You felt like springtime, on this February morning.
In a courtyard, birds were singing your praise.
I'm still recalling things you said,
To make me feel all right.
I carry them with me today.~

I felt sleep settling over my body, consciousness drifting away.

~Now as I lay me down to sleep,
This I pray.
That you will hold me dear,
Though I'm far away.
I'll whisper your name,
Into the sky.
And I will wake up.~

I closed my eyes and focused on the sound of Kita's voice.

~I wonder why,
I feel so high?
Though I am not above the sorrow,
Heavy-hearted 'til you call my name.
And it sounds like church bells,
Or the whistle of a train on a Summer evening.
I want to meet you barefoot, barely breathing.~

(Good night, Kita...)

-Time Skip-

I woke up the next morning without my girlfriend by my side. "She's probably taking the animals out." I looked out my window to see her; she was laughing and smiling with Kirishima.

"Nevada, don't do it." The girl dog bowed and wagged her tail with her whole body. "Be a good girl." She sprinted, barrelling into the redhead. "Why must you do this to him?!" Kita bent down to check on him.

"Thanks--" After helping Kirishima to his feet the small girl went flying. "Kita?!"

"Damn it, boys!" She sat up and shook her head. "Shit, we're going to be late for class if we don't hurry up!"

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